When life
becomes oppressive,
And tomorrow holds no more attraction than today,
When the world fails to impress anymore,
And it becomes difficult to just hold sorrow at bay.
And love has closed the door,
Making getting by seem like such a chore,
When even the rising sun brings no hope,
And the coming night no joy.
Realise that all is not lost,
For we are not here just to survive,
Just to get by each day to our journey’s end, Because life will never
be just that.
We are meant to live and know life,
With all its complexities,
In all its vast richness,
And in each and every of its many varied colours.
So dwell not on the past,
It has already made its point,
Focus not on the impending future,
For its time has yet to arrive.
Remain in the present,
And see with your own eyes,
A clear path running through your life,
Leading you towards what you need to learn.
Then, maybe you will cease to lament,
About what life has taken away,
And praise what has been given,
Which will always be more than what was taken.
By Ezra © 2001. All Rights Reserved.