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Chapter 9

Vivian walked out into the waiting room where Kat & Jessica were waiting for her. They were not expecting the look of shock on her face as she walked over to them. Jessica was the first to say something. “What’s wrong, Viv? If it was good news, you wouldn’t have that look on your face.”

“Jess, Kat; what am I gonna do? Kev is gonna freak out!”

Kat asked, “What do you mean ‘Kev is gonna freak out’? What’s going on? Talk to us or we can’t help! You’re starting to worry me!”

“I’m pregnant,” Vivian told her friends, as tears started to fall from her eyes.


By the time they had reached the hotel, Vivian had regained her composure. Gregg was never far away from the girls as they walked into the hotel’s restaurant.

Nick was the first to notice the girls as they walked in. “Hey, girls, over here,” he said, jumping up & waving to get the girls’ attention. The girls smiled & walked over to the table where the Boys were sitting.

“Have you guys ordered yet?” Kat asked, picking up a menu.

“Not yet. But since ya’ll are here now, we can order if you want,” Brian said.

Jessica & Alex were talking quietly when the waitress came over to the table.

“You guys ready to order, yet?” the young woman asked.

“You bet, Darlin’,” Nick answered, flashing a winning smile at the petite blond-haired girl. “I’ll take your order first,” she said, smiling sweetly at Nick.

When everyone had ordered, she turned & headed toward the kitchen. Nick watched her swaying hips, his imagination running wild.

Jessica laughed, saying, “I think Nicky is in lust again!”


During their meal, the group talked about going out to explore the town during their day off.

“Kev, I need to go up to the room for a few minutes; can you come with me? I need to talk to you about something,” Vivian said.

Kevin looked at her questioningly, “Sure. Guys, we’ll be right back. We won’t be long,” he said to the others as he & Vivian got up to leave the restaurant. Once in the elevator, Kevin turned to Vivian, “What is it? I know something’s wrong, you hardly touched your food. Did something happen at the doctor’s?”

“You promise not to get upset?” she asked.

“I can’t promise anything til you tell me what’s wrong,” he said, smiling.

She waited until they got in the room before telling him the news. She walked over to the window, looking out over the Mississippi River. She turned to him, tears in her eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

A look of shock crossed Kevin’s face when he heard those words. “You’re sure?”

“Positive,” she answered. “I went in for a check-up; they had to do some lab work & that’s what the lab report came back.”

He walked to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her against him. “Sweetheart, I’m far from upset; I’m very happy! But what about this traveling? Is that going to be safe for you?”

“Yes, I can travel, I just have to take care of myself. If I feel I’m not comfortable, I’ll ask Jessie & Kat to take me home. Ok?”


Three days later, Kevin & Vivian married in a private ceremony. By the time they reached New Orleans several days later, all the tabloids were running pictures and stories of the wedding. “1 More of the Boys Unavailable, Who’s Next?”