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Chapter 10

The group was enjoying the day wandering the French Quarter, shopping & sightseeing, before going to the Superdome where they would be performing that night. Nick was ahead of the rest of the group by only a few feet, when a man came rushing past, knocking him to the side. Before anyone could react, another man ran out of another storefront further up, running after the first man.

“Nicky, you ok?” Jessie asked.

“Yeah, fine, but that bastard took my wallet!”

Just then the man they had seen give chase, came up to them, putting Nick’s wallet back in his hand. “Here, Kid. I believe this is yours?”

“Yeah, thanks, man. It’s been awhile since we’ve been here,” Nick laughed.

“Obviously. Just be more careful next time,” the man said & turned to walk away.

“Hey, wait a second. Thanks for getting Nick’s wallet back; I’m sure I don’t want to know what that guy looks like now. I’m Jessica, by the way. And your name is?” she asked, reaching to shake his hand.

“No, Ma’am, you don’t. Let’s just say that he looked a lot prettier before I got to him. And the name is Don, Don Matthews,” he introduced himself, shaking her hand. As he took her hand, he noticed the wedding band on her hand, then noticed she was pregnant. “Oh, shit, she’s married! But to which one?” he thought. He soon found out as he was introduced to the rest of the group.

Gregg spoke up, then. “Don, you’re pretty quick; if you need some work, I’m gonna need the help after breaking my arm a few days ago. We need another strong arm to help with security. You game?”

“For how long? What’s involved?” Don asked.

“As long as you need the work. One guy just quit on us yesterday & we need all the help we can get right now. Mainly making sure the fans don’t get to close or too personal. I’ve been mainly taking care of the girls, making sure they’re safe during & after the shows.”

“And, if you like, we can throw in a little first aid for that cut on your face into the bargain,” Brian laughed.

“Ok, sounds like a deal. I do need some temp work. Where do you want me to meet you & when?”

“You can join us now. I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day, don’t you think?” Kevin asked the group, but looked at Jessica.

“Yeah, Kev, I think it’s time we went back to the hotel anyway; I’m getting tired,” she said, with a tired, but grateful smile. She should’ve known better than to try to keep up with her husband on one of his shopping marathons, especially when she was 6 months pregnant in the New Orleans September heat.

AJ put his arm around his wife, saying, “I agree. I think we’ve had enough excitement. We all need to relax before tonight.”

And, so saying, the group, Gregg & Don turned & walked back towards Canal Street & their hotel.