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Chapter 11

At the Superdome that evening, Kevin & Gregg told Don that he would be helping to keep the girls safe. “I’ve been taking care of the girls, but a few days ago, we discovered that someone is stalking Jessica. So, we need another guard to help keep an eye open for trouble,” Gregg explained.

“She doesn’t need that kind of stress, especially right now,” Kevin added.

“Why? Something wrong with her pregnancy?” Don asked, truly concerned about the young woman.

“Well,” Kevin started, “my wife just found out that she’s pregnant, too. As tiny as both girls are, I’m afraid that if either is stressed too much, they could lose the children. Vivian’s healthy and strong; but Jess already lost one child. We don’t want that to happen again.”

“I understand. Even if both girls are healthy, any major, or even minor, stress can cause a miscarriage. I’ve done some paramedic work, so I’m familiar with situations like that. No problem, I’ll take care of them,” Don promised.

AJ walked in & heard the end of the conversation. “I hope you can keep that promise, Don. We know who is stalking her, we just don’t know what he looks like at this point in time. I’m sure she’ll let you know if she recognizes him. I’m putting my wife & child’s safety in your hands. You up to the challenge?”

“I can promise that I’ll protect her like she was my own little sister, good enough for you?”

“Good enough,” AJ smiled.