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Chapter 13

The girls were surprised 10 minutes later, when their friend Sully, the lead singer of Godsmack, came into the room. “Sully! What are you doing here?” Jessie asked as they hugged.

“We play UNO tomorrow night & I found out that you guys were here, so I decided to come by & say hi,” he explained in his heavy Boston accent, as he hugged the other two girls. “How’s AJ doing?”

“Alex is doing a lot better, thank you. But, Viv & I have a question for you,” she said with a childish grin.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Well, how would you like to be Uncle to Baby McLean & Baby Richardson?”

“I would be honored, Baby Girl,” he said as he hugged both girls carefully. “How far along are you two, anyway?” he asked as he placed his hand on Jessica’s belly.

“Six months along. I have a feeling it’s a girl,” she laughed.

“I’m just a few weeks along,” Viv told him. “I just never realized that I could get sick at night, too.”

“Well, I think I may have something to help that. I tell you what; I’m going to go see the Boys for a few minutes before they have to go onstage, then I’ll bring a tea for both of you, ok?” he said to Viv.

“That sounds great, Sully, thank you!” both girls smiled.


Since Jessica and Vivian were concerned that the noise from the show would harm the babies, they watched a live feed of the concert in the dressing room.

Sully came in with two steaming mugs of tea for the two girls. “Here ya go, girls,” he said. “The tea has cinnamon, blackberry, raspberry & yarrow. I was able to buy fresh herbs today in the Quarter at that little shop you suggested, Jess. It’s a great shop; I’m gonna have to go back tomorrow.”

“Thank you so much, Sully,” they said, taking the mugs & sipping at the hot tea as they watched the show.

“What’s that for?” Don asked Sully. Sully explained that it was a tea to help prevent miscarriages & nausea. “If Vivian’s still getting sick, it helps keep the nausea at bay. It also helps with prevention of a miscarriage. Besides, if Jess lost this child at this stage, it would probably kill her. She was bedridden for a couple months after she lost their first baby.”

“Now I know why everyone’s been so nervous about her. But why do you call her ‘Baby Girl’?” Don asked.

“It’s just a nickname I’ve been calling her since we met a few years ago. She & I are both Wiccan, so we hit it off real quick as friends.”

The discussion turned to other things, but about 20 minutes later, Don & Sully both saw all 3 girls’ expressions change instantly.

“Oh, by the gods; he’s here!” Jessie said, panicked.

Don had just enough time to see a man that fit Jarred’s description on the TV screen before the man disappeared. Sully was able to catch the mug before it slipped out of Jessica’s hand & hit the floor, then put his arm protectively around her, as she turned panicked eyes up to Don. “That was him; did you see him?”

Don’s expression had turned serious, his eyes turned hard. “Yep, I saw him. I promised the Boys I would take care of the situation; I intend to hold to my promise.” He turned & walked out the door to talk to Gregg, who was standing outside the room.

Gregg leaned in, saw the girls & Sully trying to calm down a hysterical Jessica & quietly closed the door.