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Chapter 14

“So, he’s here,” Gregg asked, after closing the door.

“Yeah, it was a brief glimpse, but it was enough. I never forget a face.” Don then gave Gregg a full description of Jarred.

“Well, between the two of us & Sully, Jarred ain’t got a chance in hell of getting close enough to do any harm.” At the confused look on Don’s face, Gregg explained. “Sully may be smaller than any of us, but don’t piss the man off. He’ll tear you apart if given the right incentive. And any potential harm to Jessica will set him off. AJ trusts him; we all do. He would never do anything to hurt her or any of us. He’s a good friend to have, especially in a fight; as long as he’s on your side.”


A few minutes later, the door opened & Sully walked out. “She’s calmed down, but really needs to rest right now, tho. I think it would be better if she was on the bus, but I don’t think it’s safe yet to take her outside. I’m going to go tell a couple of the security guys about this. This is obviously a game to Jarred; the problem is nobody knows his rules. So we have to try to second-guess him. I’ll be right back.”

Don & Gregg both agreed then watched as Sully walked down the hall to give the others the warning of a potentially dangerous situation for the BSB & their girls.


Ten minutes later, BSB came around the corner towards the room, worry written on all their faces.

“What’s wrong?” AJ asked Gregg. “What happened?”

“She saw him, AJ,” Don answered. “The good thing is that Sully & I were both there; he & the girls calmed her down & I saw what Jarred looks like. Gregg & I both know what he looks like now; he won’t get past us, I promise.”

Dave walked forward after hearing this. “Fine. Guys, go do a quick meet & greet; then we are loading up & heading to the next town. The girls’ safety comes first.”

“We’re checking on our wives first. Bri, you & the others go on, we’ll catch up in a few minutes,” Kevin said, opening the door & walking into the room, AJ following close behind.