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Chapter 15

45 minutes later, the backstage door opened & they were heading towards the buses. They all walked out together, Gregg, Don & Sully were close to Jessie, AJ’s arm around her waist; then all hell seemed to break loose. She only remembered AJ’s arms wrapping protectively around her, Gregg & Sully restraining one of Don’s arms, Jarred being held against the brick wall & Don looking as if he’d kill him if given half a chance.

“You damn near made a fatal mistake, Buddy. You got a message for the little lady, you give it to me & I’ll make sure to pass it along.”

“She & I go way back, man. I just want to talk to her,” Jarred spoke as best he could, given the fact that Don had him by the throat & and a foot and a half above the ground.

Don spoke over his shoulder, “Jessie, you want to talk to this loser? Just say the word.”

“Put him down but keep a loose grip on him. Gregg, go get a cop – I’m pressing charges of harassment & stalking,” she said in a soft voice.

Jarred panicked. “What?! Wait! All I wanted was to talk, Babe!”

“Wait, Gregg.” Jessie turned cold, green eyes on Jarred. “First of all, I was never – nor will I ever be – your ‘Babe’. We haven’t spoken since high school; let’s keep it that way. Stop tormenting me & I won’t press charges. Fair?” she asked her voice still soft & low. The only ones who knew how dangerous she was at this point were Gregg, Sully & AJ.

“Yeah. Fair enough. Could you please call off your guard dog? I’m having trouble taking a full breath.” She placed a gentle hand on Don’s arm. “Don, let him go. I know him well enough that he’ll leave me alone now. If he doesn’t, he’s got less sense than I thought,” she said, looking directly at Jarred.

“You sure about that, Jessie?” Don asked, letting go, but never taking his eyes off of Jarred.

“Yes,” she assured Don. To Jarred, “I’ve called off my ‘guard dog’; now leave me alone or I will follow through with the charges, do I make myself clear?”

“Yeah, perfectly. Sorry to assume that you would have forgiven me,” Jarred said. He turned and started to walk away, but heard her respond, “I was able to forget it, but I can never forgive it.”

AJ put his arm around his wife’s waist again, seeing that she was shaking with anger & fear. He then leaned & whispered in her ear, “Let’s go, you need to rest, Sweetheart.”

They had taken only three steps before Jessica collapsed. AJ quickly picked her up in his arms and carried her the rest of the way to their bus setting her down on the booth.

“Baby, look at me,” AJ demanded. He was alarmed by how quickly she had collapsed & how pale she had gotten. He was relieved when she started to focus her eyes on his face. “Oh, babe, don’t do that again. You scared me!”

Jessie saw the fear in his eyes, but managed a weak smile. She reached out & touched his cheek, “I’m ok, now. Damn, I never fainted before. Remind me never to do it again. That is one freaky feeling.”

“I will agree with you on that; fainting is no fun. But trust me, it won’t happen again. You’re staying on the bus from now on.” When he saw her open her mouth to argue, he put his hand up to stop her. “No, I mean it. You either stay on the bus or at the hotel, or you go home & stay with mom. No arguments. I don’t want your life or our child’s life, in danger.”

“I’m in agreement, Baby Girl,” Sully said, as he stepped on the bus. “I can only help so far. I can help you prevent a miscarriage, I can’t stop one.”

AJ turned his attention back to Jessie, kneeling down in front of her. “Babe, maybe you should go lay down. I’ll be back there shortly, ok?”

Jessie sighed, knowing he was right. “Ok. You’re right. I can’t win against both of you anyway,” she laughed softly.

AJ helped her stand & watched as she made her way carefully to the bedroom that was in the back of their private bus.

Gregg & Don came on the bus at that time. “AJ, they’re ready to go,” Don said.

“I think that’s my cue to leave then,” Sully said. “Alex, this is for Jessie.” He placed a packet of herbs in AJ’s hand. “She knows how much to use. Just make sure she drinks it. If you need me for any reason, call me.”

“I will. Thanks again, Sully,” AJ said, as his friend walked off the bus.