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Chapter 16

Two weeks later, Don found Jessica sitting on the bus, talking with Kat.

“Jessie, can I talk to you, privately?” he asked.

“I have to go meet Howie anyway, Don. Another day of shopping,” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “I’ll be back later, Jess.”

“Ok, Hon, be careful.” She looked up at Don, offering the vacant chair. “What’s on your mind?”

“I think I need to move on. It’s been two weeks with no more from Jarred. Besides, I tend to get too close,” he tried explaining.

She saw the look in his eyes, and nodded. “I understand. When are you leaving?”

“Tonight, after the show. When the buses pull out of the arena, I’m heading to the airport, taking a late flight to anywhere.”

“I see. Nick’s gonna be upset, tho,” she smiled. “But I understand. Just take care of yourself, Don.”

“You too,” he said, getting up and walking off the bus.


Two days later, Vivian & Jessie decided it would be better for them to return to the safety of Orlando; the traveling was taking a toll on both girls. They were tired most of the time and Vivian was still getting sick at odd times.

They were given the go-ahead to fly back to Orlando by a doctor in Houston, Texas. A direct flight was booked for all three girls; even though Kat and Howie didn’t want to be apart, they both knew that Kat’s friends needed her to be with them.

As the three men watched as the plane took off, AJ noticed tears in Kevin’s eyes. He put his hand on Kevin’s shoulder, “She’ll be fine, Kev. Kat or mom will let us know if we’re needed. You said it before, Viv’s strong & healthy.”

“I know, man. We’ve both wanted a child, but she’s still sick all the time. I don’t know what to do.”

Howie took Kevin by the arm, “Come on. Let’s get you back to the hotel; I think what you need is some sleep. You’ve been so worried about Viv, you haven’t been sleeping again, have you?”

“Right, as always, D!” Kevin said, with a weak smile. He walked through the airport with his two friends, then folded his long legs up as they got into a cab to the hotel.

He woke up when AJ shook him. “Come on, Kev, let’s get you to your room.” He was led, half asleep, to his room. AJ & Howie barely got him to the bed, before he slipped blissfully into unconsciousness.