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Chapter 1

She kept her promise.

Three days before Christmas, BSB was in North Carolina. They had the day before the concert off, so they could relax, at least for a few hours.

At 6 p.m., as they walked off the elevator, Howie asked AJ, “Want to join us downstairs a little later for drinks? You’ve been uptight all day, what’s wrong?”

“I haven’t been able to get in touch with Jessie all day. She always answers her cell phone.” He never called her house after his visit, not wanting to anger her father. “I’m gonna take a shower, rest a little bit and try to call her again; just give me a call in a couple hours,” he said, as he attempted to open the door.

“Sure thing,” Howie said, and walked down the hall to his own suite.


AJ was surprised to open his suite door to hear soft music playing on the stereo & to see a large bouquet of StarGazer Lilies. He made sure the door was closed all the way & locked before walking over to the table. A small card lying beside the vase read, ‘I hope you like treasure hunts – follow the trail to the bedroom.’

He followed a trail of white rose petals into the bedroom to find more rose petals on the bed; on the bed was another card: ‘Bathroom’. The suspense was enough to get him aroused. He took off his sweater and shoes, walking into the bathroom with just his jeans on. He wasn’t expecting the vision he encountered.

There, in the large sunken tub, bubbles & rose petals barely covering her, was Jessica. She had her hair piled on top of her head, a few dark tendrils hanging down on her neck. She looked up at him, a smile on her lips & in her eyes. “Care to join me, Mr. McLean?”

He walked over to the tub & knelt down next to her. “You sure about that?” he asked. He didn’t want her to regret anything later. The most that had happened in L.A. five months earlier was some very passionate kissing. He hadn’t allowed himself to go any further with her until she said she was ready. “If I get in this tub, there’s no turning back.” He reached out and brushed a wet tendril away from her neck.

“I wouldn’t be here, like this, much less asked you to join me, if I wasn’t sure, Alex,” she answered. “Do you realize the strings I had to pull to get the room key? It’s a good thing that the manager on duty today is a very dear friend who owed me a VERY big favor or I wouldn’t be here,” she laughed. “Now, are you gonna join me or not?”

He stood and stripped his jeans off and stepped into the tub. He settled himself behind her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him. “Damn, woman, I’ve dreamed of doing this with you; I just never thought it would happen.” He placed a small kiss on her neck, just under her ear, hearing a small sigh of pleasure pass her lips. He felt her hands on his legs, then felt her hands move back to his hips. He let his hands explore her body for the first time. Her breathing became heavy as he kissed her neck & felt his arousal against her back.

She surprised him by turning in his arms and kissing him deeply. As the kiss deepened, their passions rose higher. He felt her hand as she began to gently stroke him. He groaned loudly, breaking the kiss & leaning his head back on the side of the tub, exposing his throat to her kisses. He still held her in his arms, not wanting to break the physical contact.

Through ragged breaths, he said, “Jessie, if I don’t have you soon, I’m gonna explode!” When she moved to straddle his hips, he stopped her. “No, not here. I want to make love to you for the first time in a bed.” Before she could react, he had her in his arms, carrying her to the bedroom & the rose petal covered bed.


Two hours later, the annoying ringing of the telephone awakened them. “Damn; talk about timing,” he reached across Jessie, grabbing the phone.

“What?” he growled into the phone.

“Well, you did say to call you in a couple hours. You still want…” Howie started, then asked, “You aren’t alone, are you?” when he heard a woman giggle.

“No, I’m not alone. I had a very pleasant surprise waiting for me in the room when I got here,” he smiled, winking at Jessie.

“So, I guess you won’t be joining us after all? What am I supposed tell the others?” Howie asked, laughing.

“I don’t care what you tell them. Tell them I got an early Christmas present from a very beautiful woman. We may join you in a little while, tho.”

Before Howie could say anything else, AJ hung up.


It was another hour before AJ & Jessie joined the rest of the Boys down in the hotel Lounge. When they saw Jessie, they all got up & welcomed her with hugs & smiles. They all sat down at the table, catching up on the last few months, while eating dinner.

Kevin’s divorce had become final a month earlier & Howie’s girlfriend had dumped him 2 months earlier; the touring & long absences had been too much strain for them to take. Jessica had finished school, but was taking some personal time before starting her new job in January.

When she heard about the divorce & breakup, only AJ saw her eyes light up with ideas. He leaned over, whispering in her ear, “What are you thinking up now?”

She turned an innocent look on him, “Who, me? What makes you think that?” she giggled.

“Cause I remember you get a certain look in your eyes when the wheels in your head start spinning,” he said.

She laughed softly, “Trust me, Baby, it doesn’t concern you, this time,” she smiled. “Can I use your cell phone for a few minutes, tho?” she asked.

“Sure, you can pay me back later tonight,” he said, running his hand up her thigh and placing a kiss on her lips.

“Deal. Now let me make this quick phone call. I’ll be right back,” she said as she got up from the table and walked out to the lobby, dialing as she went.

“Where’s she going? She’s not leaving, is she?” Nick asked.

“No, she’s not leaving. She just has a call to make. Don’t ask, cause I have no clue,” he said as he took a drink from his glass of Jack Daniel’s.


Ten minutes later, Jessica walked in with two other girls. All three girls were about the same weight, well built, but their heights were different. Jessica was about 5ft 8in, had dark hair & fair skin, one of the girls was 5ft 7in, blonde & tan & the other girl also had dark hair, but tan & 5ft 7in. Howie was immediately drawn to the blonde with blue eyes & contagious smile; Kevin was drawn to the shorter brunette with the soft brown eyes & quick smile.

Jessie introduced the Boys to her two friends. “Guys, I want you to meet my two very best friends in the whole world, Kat & Vivian. Girls, I don’t believe I have to tell you their names,” she laughed.

Kevin shook hands with Kat, but couldn’t let go of Vivian’s hand after introducing himself.

“Let me go get a couple extra chairs for the ladies,” Nick said, and was off to find two chairs to bring back to the table.

“Well, why Nicky’s gone in a futile search, you can take my seat. I don’t mind standing,” Kevin offered his seat to Vivian.

“Thanks,” she smiled, taking his seat.

Howie stood up, “Please, Kat, you can take mine,” he said with a smile.

“Thank you, Howie,” she said with a smile.

A nice slow song had come across the jukebox at that time & AJ took advantage of the situation. He stood & took Jessica’s hand, walking her towards the dance floor, which left their two chairs vacant.

“Come on, Beautiful, I’ve missed dancing with you.”

“Smooth, McLean. I wouldn’t have thought of that,” Jessie said softly as he pulled her close wrapping his arms around her waist.

“That was pretty clever, calling your friends. Those two guys have been driving me crazy for the last month.”

“I’m sure you have driven them up & down a few walls yourself,” she teased.

“Guilty as charged. Did I tell you tonight how much I missed you, Babe?” he asked, placing a small kiss on her neck, just under her ear.

She laughed softly, “Numerous times,” she told him, as their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss.


Three hours later they all decided to go up to Kevin’s suite to continue their private party. Kevin was relaxed for the first time in months & Howie was smiling once again. Seeing the almost immediate change in the two guys, AJ assured Jessie that she had done the right thing. He knew the guys well enough that they would do anything not to hurt her friends, physically or emotionally.

Fifteen minutes after they arrived, Nick & Brian left the three couples alone, threatening to call first thing in the morning so they could all go to breakfast.

“We’ll have to remember to take our phones off the hooks, then, won’t we,” Kevin said, laughing as he sat down on the couch, draping his arm around Vivian’s shoulders.

“Kevin, you are so bad!” she laughed, playfully hitting his arm.

“No, I’m not,” he drawled in his Kentucky accent, smiling at her.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” she teased back.

“Uh, Viv, you better watch how you say things around Kev; he may just take you up on that challenge,” AJ warned.

Viv was completely taken off-guard when Kevin snaked his arms around her, turning her around pinning her to him and kissing her passionately. After he broke the kiss, he gave a lazy smile but not moving far from her lips, said, “See, I told you I wasn’t bad.”

Vivian, although a bit dazed, agreed, “You’re right. Not bad at all,” she smiled, as Kevin bent his head to kiss her again, gently.

AJ put his hand on Jessie’s cheek, turning her face towards him. She saw the passion in his eyes just before his lips met hers in a gentle, but deep kiss.

Howie had decided that he wanted to get to know Kat a lot better. He had not let go of her since they had danced two hours earlier. He wrapped his strong arms around her, whispering in her ear, “Would you come back to my room with me for the night?” and placed a small kiss on her earlobe.

She turned her deep blue eyes to his face. She was a little surprised, but smiled & nodded yes. He smiled, put his finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet, then took her hand & led her out of the room.

A few minutes later, hearing a door close, AJ looked around, then started to laugh. Kevin broke his kiss with Viv, wondering if AJ was laughing at his expense. Instead, he couldn’t help but laugh too when he realized that the oversized chair that Howie & Kat had been sitting in was now vacant; the two had quietly left for Howie’s suite.

“I guess that’s our cue to go, Train. We will leave you two alone to get to know each other better,” AJ teased, taking Jessica’s hand and leading her to the door.

“What time did you want that wake up call, Kev?” Jessica teased.

“If you call, there will be hell to pay, girl,” Kevin said, with a smile, as the door closed.

When Kevin turned his attention back to the woman in his arms, she asked teasingly, “So, why do they call you ‘Train’?”

“Why don’t I show you,” he said with a sly smile and picked her up, carrying her to the large bed in the next room.