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Chapter 6

Jessica rolled over in bed, waking immediately when she touched an empty pillow.

“Oh, no. Not again,” she thought. She looked over at the clock, which read 4:30 am. She carefully got out of bed, pulling her robe closed over her 6-month pregnant belly, knowing where she would find AJ.

He was sitting on their balcony, nursing a glass of Jack Daniel’s & watching the heat lightning dance across the pre-dawn sky. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt his wife’s hands on his bare shoulders.

“What’s wrong, Alex? This is the third night in a row you haven’t slept.”

AJ reached up & pulled her around to his lap, wrapping his arms around her & placing a gentle hand on her slightly rounded tummy. He saw the worried look in her dark green eyes. He touched her cheek, saying, “Nothing much; just can’t sleep. I just needed some time to think, that’s all.” He smiled at her as he ran his hand through her long reddish-black hair. “The album is taking off better than any of the others, the new video & single are #1, we’re a week into our biggest tour…”

Before he could continue, Jessie placed a gentle kiss on his lips. After she pulled away, she looked at him, losing herself in his deep brown eyes. “Now, stop your worries & come back to bed,” she whispered, tracing his bottom lip with her fingernail.

“When you say it that way, how can I refuse?” He held her in his arms as he stood up, then carried her effortlessly back inside, kissing her passionately the entire way.

He lay next to her on their bed, not wanting to put his full weight on her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he started placing fiery kisses along her jaw & throat. His hand found the sash of the robe, opening her robe to his assault of kisses. He moved his hands slowly down her body, and gently thrust one finger deep into her velvet softness, hearing her soft gasps of pleasure. He moved off the bed long enough to take off his jeans, then moved back onto the bed, pulling her on top of him.

He was constantly amazed how she was always ready for him. AJ held onto her hips slipping easily into her as she straddled him. They moved together gently at first, then more fiercely as their passion built higher; they came together, AJ sat up, kissing her deeply to keep either of them from waking the guys in the next room.


After the loss of the baby the year before, he had to go on an 8-week tour in Europe. After calling his wife & mother at night, he would drink himself unconscious, drowning his fears & worries in liquor.

When the heavy drinking continued after he got home, Jessica became an angel of wrath. “Alex, you have to snap out of this! You can’t continue doing this to yourself, to us! I put up with drunken fits with my dad, I WON’T put up with it from my husband,” she yelled at him, grabbing the glass from his hand. “Quit, or hell, just slow down, or I’m outta here!” she screamed, throwing the glass at him.

He was barely able to dodge the missile before it shattered against the wall. Before he could stop her, she had turned and run into their bedroom, slamming & locking the door, refusing to let him in for three nights. He couldn’t take the chance of losing her and didn’t want to see if she might be bluffing, so he quit. He never forgot her threat and rarely drank anymore.