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Chapter 8

Gregg got the girls safely into the waiting car without a problem. 15 minutes later, from the safety of the car across the street, they saw the group make it out of the front doors & into a black van that was waiting to take them to the airport. 45 minutes later the two vehicles met at the airport hanger housing the private plane that would take the group to Baton Rouge for the next show. ********

As the plane reached its cruising altitude, AJ walked over & sat next to Kevin. “Thanks for warning Dave about the kids in the lobby this morning.”

“No problem, man. We know that we can take care of ourselves; we were worried about the girls; they don’t need to be caught up in all that, unless it can’t be helped. By the way, is Jessie sleeping ok? She looks tired,” Kev asked.

“She’s been sleeping ok; I’m the one who hasn’t been sleeping that much. I guess she just worries about me & it shows. She made a doctor’s appointment for this afternoon in Baton Rouge. Kat & Viv are going just so she’s not alone,” AJ explained.


When the plane landed & came to a complete stop, everyone got up to leave the plane. As Vivian stood up, she felt dizzy & sat back down. Kat was standing closest to her and leaned down to ask, “Viv, you ok, girl? You don’t look too good.”

Vivian gave her friend a weak smile & sarcastic answer, “Gee, thanks. I just got a little dizzy, that’s all. I’m fine.”

She looked at her watch, noting the time as 11:00 a.m. “Well, it looks like we’ll be able to make our doctor’s appointment on time. You still going with us, Kat?” Vivian had not wanted to worry Kevin, so she had kept her appointment a secret. She had also sworn both her friends to secrecy upon threat of death.

“Of course I’m going with you. We girls gotta stick together in this group of guys! There’s 3 of us & 5 of them!” Kat said, giving her friend a helping hand. Then the three friends left the plane and were helped into the waiting car.