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Chapter 4

Before leaving the bar that night, Sully & Max succeeded in talking everyone into going riding the next day.

“10am sharp, Mark! Be ready or it’s gonna be an interesting wake-up call!” Sully laughed.

“I’ll be ready, don’t worry,” he agreed.

“Then we’ll see ya at 10 tomorrow morning,” Max said as she kissed him gently, then walked away, laughing with Sully’s arm around her waist protectively.

Mark was definitely surprised when six Harleys drove up & parked in front of the hotel’s front door. He was surprised again as he watched Max park her bike, taking off her sunglasses & helmet. Her bright red hair was braided tightly to keep it out of her face; she wore tight black jeans, military boots & a GodSmack T-shirt.

She laughed as Tommy said something but all Mark heard was “Tommy, that is so wrong, Dude! So wrong!” Max hit Tommy’s arm playfully.

“But it’s so true, Baby Girl!” Joey said laughing, Maggie playfully hitting his leg. “Hey! You have to admit, it is true!”

“I know, but leave it alone!” Maggie said laughing, taking up for her cousin.

“Ok, looks like I came in on a private joke?” Mark asked as he walked up to Max.

“No not really. How do ya feel this morning?” she asked when he bent for a small kiss, noticing his sunglasses.

“Slept fine, took some aspirin for the headache, ate something, feel fine now,” he laughed.

“Good. We’re riding to New Orleans so Sully & I can get a few things and visit a friend who has a shop. I hope you’re ready for a long ride! Shut up, guys!” she yelled as Tommy & Tony started to make faces.

“Don’t mind them. They have their minds in the gutter this morning!” she said as she got back on her bike. “Hop on & hold on! Sully & I have a tendency to leave the others behind,” she said as she fastened her helmet and put her sunglasses back on.

“Great! What did I get myself into?” Mark laughed as he put on the helmet that Tommy offered. He climbed on the bike behind Max, wrapping one arm around her.

“One hell of a wild ride, Mark!” Sully answered as they started their bikes again, gunning the engines as they pulled out of the parking lot.