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Chapter 5

“Are you always playing with that little thief?” Sully asked as he, Max & Mark walked into the shop.

“Sully!” Eve said, jumping up and hugging him, while holding the squirming ferret in her hand. “It’s so good to see you! Let me go get Orchid,” the petite blonde said walking towards the office in the back.

Max saw the apprehensive look in Mark’s eyes as he looked around the small shop. “Sully & I are Wiccan, Mark. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can wait outside.”

“Nope, I’m fine. It’s just a little different; I’m not offended or uncomfortable. I’m just so glad to be away from Scott for a few hours. He’s so hypocritical, it’s almost insane. It’s a nice change to be around people who are true to themselves.”

They were interrupted when a tall woman with black hair & green eyes came forward. “Sully! Maxie! How wonderful to see you again! But, I don’t believe I’ve met you?” she asked, holding out her hand to Mark.

“My name is Mark,” he smiled shaking her hand, then he noticed that she was barefoot.

“Very nice to meet you, Mark. My husband still has a difficult time figuring out why I don’t wear shoes,” she laughed, wiggling her toes. “But, I’d like to see them as long as I can; I won’t be able to see them in a few months!”

“You & Kev are gonna have a baby?” Max asked.

“Yes. I found out two days ago. Kevin is on a business trip and won’t be back until tomorrow. I’ll tell him then,” she explained as she & Max hugged. She turned to Sully and saw the look on his face. She gently touched his cheek and told him, “Yes, Sully, I’m taking care of myself. I’m not taking any chances with this pregnancy. The doctor told me I’m in perfect health & shouldn’t have any difficulties with this one. So, stop your worrying.”

“You know I always worry about my ladies. But I trust you are telling me the truth. You look beautiful!” Sully said, kissing her cheek. “But, we came to stock up. We kinda depleted our stock on tour. Lots of tea drinking this last leg! Got anything new that we need to know about?”

“Go look around. I’m sure there are a few new things you would like to look at,” Orchid smiled, watching Sully walk to the back of the shop towards the herbs. Then she turned to Max. “How long are going to be here, anyway? And where are the others?”

“I’m staying with Maggie & Joey for a few days & Sully & the others are staying in The Courtyard Marriot in Baton Rouge. The others decided to do their own thing today. They are wandering around the Quarter somewhere.” Max explained.

“I see. I just hope they don’t get into any trouble. Mark, you look very familiar to me,” Orchid said.

“I’m the guitarist for Creed,” he smiled.

“Ah! I should’ve known Maxie would catch the eye of a musician. Where did you two meet?”

“Last night at one of my favorite pool bars,” Max said.

“From what I have heard from a few friends of mine, your lead singer is quite an interesting person. And I don’t mean that in a good way,” Orchid said when she saw Mark’s expression change.

“I don’t know what you may have heard, but you have heard correctly. I wish Max had punched him, instead of slapping him into the wall.”

“You hit him?” Orchid asked, smiling.

“Yes, he deserved it. He’s married & tried to make a pass at me, grabbing me in the back hall.”

“Ya, he’s lucky I wasn’t there about that time,” Sully said as he came up to the counter with the herbs he & Max needed.

“Well, if I had walked back there about 3 seconds sooner, Scott would’ve woken up this morning with a black eye instead of a sore jaw. I’m getting so sick of his stupidity!” Mark said, dropping his arm almost protectively around Max’s waist.

They talked for a few minutes more as Orchid rang up Sully’s purchases and they convinced her to join them for lunch. The new friends then walked the 2 blocks to Pat O’Brien’s for a nice, private & relaxing lunch. Orchid & Max talked some more & decided that Max would come back over before she had to leave for Florida to go back to work.

As they followed Sully & Orchid back to the shop, Mark grabbed Max’s hand.

“We’re playing the arena tomorrow night in Baton Rouge. Do you think you could go?”

“I didn’t purchase tickets, but with my connections, I don’t think I’ll have any difficulties getting in. I’d love to go,” she smiled.

“Thanks. I’d like it if you could be there,” he said quietly.

When they got back to the shop, Sully used Max’s cell phone to get in touch with the others. The rest of the group decided that they would stay in New Orleans for the rest of the day & spend the night, returning to Baton Rouge in the morning. Sully decided to stay too, so he gave Max her herbs and said goodbye, promising to catch up to her tomorrow.

After hugging Orchid goodbye, Max & Mark climbed back on the bike, Mark wrapping his arms loosely around her waist as she started the bike up again.

When they got back to Baton Rouge, Max & Mark decided to do a little shopping. They went to both malls in town and were lucky enough not to get noticed.

After shopping for several hours, Mark suggested they go to dinner and then she could drop him off back at the hotel. She agreed and they enjoyed a nice evening at a quiet seafood restaurant, talking and getting to know each other.

Max pulled up to the door of the hotel at 9pm to drop Mark off.

She took the helmet he gave her to return to Tommy. “So, what time should I expect to see you tomorrow?” he asked.

“Well, the show starts at what, 7:30? I should be there shortly before 7 or so. Or I can stop by during sound check. It just depends on how soon I can get done with my videoconference tomorrow afternoon. Just keep him away from me & everything will be fine,” Max said, looking in the direction of the front door where Scott Stapp had just walked out & was walking in their direction.

“I’ll take care of him. Don’t want you to hurt your hand again,” Mark said, holding the hand in question, then leaned down and kissed her. The passion was still there and he could sense a deeper passion also. But then maybe it was due to the fact that Scott was standing there & watching the kiss continue.

She wasn’t surprised when Mark bent for a kiss & gladly returned the passion she felt in his kiss. She lifted her hand to his cheek as he broke the kiss. She licked her lips and smiled, saying, “Maybe I can sneak away from the conference call early. It’ll depend on what they want to discuss. But just look for me around 6 or so.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it. Drive careful,” he whispered.

“I always do. It’s the other drivers on the road that I worry about. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she smiled as she started the bike up again & rode off without a single word to Scott.

“You get a lengthy kiss goodbye & I don’t even get a look, much less a word said to me. What’s up with that?” Scott asked as Mark turned around.

“Do you honestly think you deserve it? After the stunt in the bar last night, I’m surprised she didn’t leave as soon as you walked out the door. But I’ve had a long day & I’m tired. I’m going to my room, taking a shower & going to bed. If I remember correctly, we have a radio interview in the morning,” Mark said as he walked past him & into the hotel. He risked looking over his shoulder after the front door closed behind him & saw Scott getting into the driver’s side of the car that the valet drove up. ‘Great! He’s going to be hung-over at the interview tomorrow!’ Mark thought.