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*~~*Chapter 4*~~*

"Ma’am, I just wanted to let you know that there are no empty seats on the flight today. I’m very sorry." The stewardess leaned over me and spoke to Lillian.

"That’s okay, my new friend said he’d switch seats with me. Thank you, tho!" She says with a smile. God that smile, I could watch her all day.

"You’re welcome. Is there anything I can get for you to drink?" the lady asks.

"Diet Coke if ya have it?" she says, still smiling. I can feel shivers running down my spine.

"Yes, Ma’am. Anything for you, Sir?" she said, turning a ‘sexy’ smile on me, still leaning over, her breasts basically in my face. Her perfume was so strong I felt I was going to gag.

"Uh, water or any soda will do, thanks," I say, trying to push her away. I turn to Lillian and smile very warmly. We continue to talk a bit before the sign to unbuckle our seat belts comes on and we trade seats.

"So, why don’t you like flying next to the window?" I ask, as the stewardess hands us each our drinks.

"I made the mistake of watching ‘The Twilight Zone Movie’ with my ex-boyfriend. The section of the movie about the plane with the little gremlin really freaked me out! I’ve always hated to fly, but that just made it even worse!" she explained. I couldn’t help but pick up the word, ex-boyfriend.

"Oh… yeah, sounds like a good reason. So um… you have a boyfriend now?" I ask, trying not to sound too nosy, but I want to have some sort of conversation with this girl.

"No, thankfully, I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years a little bit ago." She had a pure look of disgust on her face and I decided not to dig into it deep.

"Oh, cool, I guess." I mentally hit myself at what a fool I am.

"What about you?" she asked, smiling softly.

"Nope, no girlfriend." I say with a sigh.

"Oh," she softly said. Then we were silent.

I wonder what she’s thinking about, probably thinking I am an idiot. I decide to take out a magazine to flip through and check out things. The first one I get it is a POP magazine. I groan, Nick is on the front. He is always the star.

I just wanted to be liked, or maybe even loved. Over and over I got dumped and hurt by some girl, and it’s always the same. The pain was so deep, it would take a very special person to release it, if only I knew how special the girl next to me was.

Chapter 5