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*~~*Chapter 7*~~*

“I am so tired,” I say softly. Everyone else on the plane has already been asleep for about two hours.

“I completely understand…” Alex nods in agreement.

“But I am… kind of afraid to sleep on airplanes,” I say. I’m exhausted, but I want to stay awake & talk to my new friend. He seems so – nice!

“Oh… well… if you want… we can put up this middle thing and I can hold you while you sleep,” Alex suggests to me.

“Really? Are you sure you don’t mind?” I ask. “I’d like that. Thank you,” I say. It has been a while since a guy even offered to be nice like that. Mick would have already been asleep by now, leaving me to either work myself up into a panic attack or zone out while reading or listening to a CD.

“Not a problem,” he tells me. He pulls the armrest up & then pushes the call button for the stewardess.

“Yes, Sir? Can I get you something?” It’s the same bitch from earlier! She completely ignores me, looking over at Alex.

“Yes. I need an extra pillow & a couple of blankets, if you don’t mind? My friend & I are tired & would like to get some sleep,” he says to her. The funny thing is, he stressed the word ‘friend’ & why is his arm around me? Not that I mind! The look that just came across that bitch’s face is classic!

“Yes, Sir. I can get those for you right away.” She walks off & gets the items from a compartment closer to the front. She brings them back & hands them to us and smiles. “If there is anything else I can get for you, just let me know,” she says with her big plastic smile.

“That’s ok, I think we’re set for now. Thank you.” Alex tells her & looks at me with a smile. He puts a pillow behind his head, then reaches for his sunglasses. He takes the sunglasses off & looks over at me. Oh my god! His eyes are gorgeous! They are the deepest chocolate brown I’ve ever seen! “What?” he asks.

“I was wondering if you were ever gonna take those shades off,” I say with a smile.

“Sorry. It’s a habit I got into a few years ago & I never thought about breaking it. But, it’s late, Lillian. Come here & try to sleep. I won’t let anything happen to ya,” he tells me, holding out his arms.

Damn, this is nice! A girl could get used to a guy treating her like this! I pull my feet up onto the seat, lean my head against his shoulder & wrap my arm around his waist. He pulls me closer, my head & hand now on his chest, as he pulls the blanket over us, tucking it down around us so we don’t get cold. ‘Yep,’ I think to myself. ‘A girl could definitely get used to this!’

I mumble a soft ‘goodnight, Alex,’ as I feel myself lose my battle with sleep.

Chapter 8