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Chapter 11- Two weeks later

“I think it’s time to go to the Club, Kev,” Sammie said in Kevin’s ear.

They were in the library, Kevin holding her in his lap. He turned his head slightly, kissing along her jaw. “I think you are right. We haven’t been in several months and we need to make our presence known again. But, Howard & Brian can not be left unprotected, you understand this?" he asked, his hand slowly making its way under her long skirt from her ankle up to her knee.

“I know. I know Howard will understand and accept it without question; Brian may be more difficult.”

“Maybe not. He has accepted more than I thought he would. But he has grown to trust you & has opened up to you more than us. Maybe you should be the one to,” Kevin began.

“I will ask him. That is all I can do. If he accepts the mark, then I will do it,” she assured him.

“Alright, love,” he said just before his lips met hers in a passionate kiss.

She heard him growl low in his throat as the kiss deepened, but both stopped suddenly when they heard a knock on the door.

Kevin broke the kiss and said, “Door is open.”

“I’m very sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” Brian began, embarrassed when he saw that he had obviously interrupted them.

“It’s alright, Brian. What did you want?” Kevin asked, still holding Samantha on his lap, his arms around her waist.

“It’s, well, I’ve been doing some thinking, and, um, nevermind. It’s not that important, I guess.” He turned to walk out of the room, but stopped when Samantha spoke. He turned and saw her get out of Kevin’s lap and walk to him. He felt the color rise to his face & felt his breath quicken as she seemed to glide towards him. Today she was in a long, dark blue, gothic-style dress, the color bringing out the color of her green eyes & auburn hair, making her pale skin stand out more. ‘She’s so beautiful. God help me!’ he thought.

“Stop, Brian. You came to talk to us about something. Don’t ever think we don’t have time for you,” she said softly. “Now what is it?”

Kevin stood from his chair and walked over to them. He dropped a kiss on Sammie’s cheek, saying, “I will call ahead & let Eadon know when we will be arriving. I will leave the two of you to…talk.”

As soon as the door closed behind Kevin, Samantha turned her attention back to Brian who was now sitting on the couch. “You said that you have been thinking? About what, may I ask?”

“Yes, m’lady. I’ve been thinking about what you told me about being ‘marked’, protected,” he began.

“You have your Faith, Brian, to keep you protected,” she started, sitting next to him.

“But what if I have to go somewhere & none of you are able to go with me? What then?”

Samantha saw the uncertainty in his eyes, but knew what he was asking. She decided to make him tell her what he wanted. “What are you asking me, Brian?” He looked into her bright green eyes and told her what was in his heart. “I have my Faith, as you said, but I am uncertain of it at times. Would you think me a coward if I asked,” he stopped, suddenly ashamed of what he wanted to ask.

“Go on, Brian, continue.”

“Would you think me a coward if I asked to be marked?” he said quickly. “If you don’t think I should, or it’s stupid,” he began, but fell quiet when she placed her finger to his lips.

“I do not think you are a coward for asking. You are brave for asking on your own. If you honestly wish for it, Brian, I will do it myself. That way I know for a fact that you will be protected.”

“You would do that for me?”

“I will, if you wish for it.”

“What will happen?” he asked.

“It will be a small pinch, a minor discomfort. To close the small punctures, I will lick once. There will be a small bruise for a few moments, then it will fade from your sight, but any immortal will see it.”

“Have you marked someone before?”

She smiled slightly, a glint in her eye. “Yes, I have. You may find it very enjoyable, actually.”

“I don’t like pain all that much, m’lady.”

“I understand.” She reached and put her hand behind his neck, making him look at her. “But if you are certain about this, I need to do it now, before you lose your nerve. Are you ready?” she asked, her lips a few inches from his throat.

He felt the iron strength in her hand & knew that he wouldn’t be allowed to pull away. His breath quickened as he answered her in one word, “Yes.”

“Good,” he heard her say, just as he felt her small fangs sink into this throat. As she had told him, he felt only a small discomfort, but no real pain. He moaned in pleasure when he felt the tip of her tongue run across the area, licking the small wound closed. He heard her moan softly as she moved away from his throat.

Her eyes were dark green with pleasure and her voice was soft & husky when she spoke. “You are now under my protection, Brian. But never lose your Faith. There is wine on the bar if you need it.” She kissed his cheek, leaving the room quickly.

“That’s right, Eadon, we’ll be there tonight about 9:30. Bye.” Kevin hung up the phone in the hallway and turned, seeing Sammie come out of the library, her eyes dark green & her features flushed slightly. He slid his arm around her waist, kissing her gently. He sensed her passion, but whispered in her ear, “Howard will accept the mark, but only from you. He says you would understand?”

“Yes, I understand why.” She saw the question in Kevin’s eyes & smiled. “In one of his past lives, I was his twin sister. That is why he is so comfortable here, around us & was able to accept the explanations so quickly. Where is he?”

“I see. He’s in your rose garden. He says he wants to talk to you first. He also wants me present when you mark him. I don’t know why he would want me there, but I will honor his wish,” Kevin explained, as they walked outside to her rose garden.

They found Howard sitting on one of her favorite benches at the far end of the garden, staring off into the distance. When Sammie sat down beside him, he immediately turned to her. “Kevin explained how & why you mark those dear to you. I’m ready, m’lady,” he said.

“Good. This will only take a moment, and you will be under my protection,” she said gently against his throat.

Kevin could tell Samantha’s passion was high; she was trembling slightly, and her hand shook as she placed it behind Howard’s head to pull him to her. He watched as his wife’s small fangs sank into Howard’s throat, and heard both moan in pleasure as she took a small amount of blood from him, then licked the small wound closed with the tip of her tongue. What surprised him was the look of surprise on her face when she pulled away and whispered in Gaelic, “Oh, by the Goddess!”

Kevin knelt down next to her, then saw the look in Howard’s eyes as well. “Sammie, what is it?”

She looked at Kevin, “Kiss me & you’ll know.”

He did as she asked and what he tasted surprised him – the same ancient blood that ran through Sammie’s veins ran in Howard’s as well!

Kevin turned to Howard and spoke quietly. “Do you know your heritage?”

“Some; my father’s line was Spanish, my mother’s, I believe, was Irish or Scot’s; I’m not positive.”

“I will do some checking, my young friend. You are now under my wife’s protection. We will see how well the mark protects you tonight at the Club! I’m sure you will find the Club very entertaining! We leave at 8pm, dress appropriately for a night out!”