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Chapter 12

Samantha and Angel were dressed in their usual Gothic attire – tight pants, tall boots & corsets – Angel in blue, Sammie in black; their hair was left long. The men were dressed mainly all in black. “Brian, stay close to any of us at all times, my friend. Howard, you as well,” Kevin addressed the two young men as the limo pulled up to the front of the Garden of Eadon.

“We will, Kevin,” Brian answered as they all got out of the car.

As the group of new friends entered the club, the sound of a Raven’s call came over the speakers, only to be answered by four loud wolf howls from Kevin, Samantha, Alex & Angel.

Sammie, Angel & Nickolas immediately went to the dance floor in front of the stage, nodding to the woman in front of the keyboards. She smiled slightly, nodding back & the band proceeded to play a heavy trance mix as the young woman began singing in Latin.

Brian watched with wide eyes as he watched the two girls dance with Nickolas. But as soon as the woman on stage began to sing, his full attention was drawn to her.

Howard tried not to laugh at his cousin’s almost lustful expression, but was startled when he felt two slender arms reach around his waist & a familiar voice of velvet speak in his ear. “I never thought I’d see you in here, Handsome!”

“Selina?” Howard turned around quickly, seeing his friend of 10 years standing before him. Selina was about 5 ft 7 inches tall, with long dark brown hair that fell to her hips in long layers. Her sky-blue eyes always seemed to be sparkling with laughter and a passion for life! Tonight she was dressed in tight black jeans, a flowing cream-colored velvet shirt that was belted with a wide black leather belt and knee-high black leather boots.

“Yep, it’s me! What are you doing here?” she asked as he hugged her.

“He is a guest at the Manor, Selina. How was your vacation? Kevin asked as Selina hugged him.

“It was exactly what I needed! But I’m just glad to be home,” she smiled as she hugged Alex. Her smile faded slightly when she didn’t see VooDoo.

Alex saw the question in her eyes and answered quickly. “He’s no longer with us, Selina. We will explain later,” he said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

“Ok. I haven’t danced with you in a long time, Howard; come on!”

Just as Selina and Howard took a step away from the table, Kevin grabbed them, Alex grabbed Brian and they heard Sammie scream, “Run, Angel!” Then they heard the sound of a sword fight and an angry scream. He looked up and saw Terra, her head thrown back in anger, her wings spread wide in a protective arc around Nickolas & Samantha who were standing back to back, each fighting two vamps.

Angel ran straight to the small group, immediately being wrapped in Alex’s arms.

“Oh, my God!” Brian whispered.

Howard wrapped his arms around Selina, protecting her from the unknown; Kevin pulling them back behind him and pulling his own sword. He leaned over to Brian, seeing him looking above everyone else’s heads. “Brian, what do you see? Tell me the truth!”

“A dragon!” he whispered.

“That is Terra, Sammie’s guardian. Very few can see her! DOWN!” he yelled, as he pushed Brian and the others to the floor. He ducked out of the way just as a screaming female vampire was thrown in his direction – care of his wife’s temper & out of control power of wind!

As the female fell to the floor at his feet, he calmly took her head. “One less night-stalking bitch!” he said with a slight smile when Brian looked up at him.

When they heard three more screams, they looked toward the dance floor, seeing three headless vampire corpses at Sammie’s & Nickolas’ feet & Terra slowly fading.

The skirmish was over, but the war was always being waged; it was just a matter of when the battles would take place & who came out the victor.

Everyone stood back up, shaken only slightly from the experience.

“That was quite an experience, Kevin! Does this happen here often?” Howard asked with a wry grin.

“Not very often. I wish it never happened, but it’s not my choice,” he replied.

Sammie and Nickolas walked over to the table and sat down as the waitress set everyone’s drinks down. She looked at Kevin as she handed him his glass of wine. “They have been here almost every other night for the last two weeks, Mr. Ravenwolf. If any of us had thought that there was anything wrong with that, we would have notified you without hesitation.”

“It’s alright, Breeze,” Kevin said. He noticed her hands were shaking and decided to avoid disaster early. “Breeze, go take a break. You’re nervous; I can see your hands shaking.”

“Yes, sir,” she blushed slightly, remembering the last time a swordfight broke out in the club. She was so nervous afterwards that she ended up dropping an entire tray of drinks. She hadn’t meant to, it was just that she always got clumsy when was nervous or scared.

“If you want some fresh air, I’ll go with you?” Nickolas asked, smiling slightly.

“Uh, sure. Yeah, I’d like that,” Breeze said shyly. Nickolas always liked complimenting her, smiling in her direction if he caught her eye. Somehow, that always made her feel better, knowing that nothing would hurt her if he was around.

Nickolas walked with her to the bar so she could put her tray down, then they walked outside for some fresh air.