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Chapter 13

Nickolas had been noticing Breeze for months. She was a little taller than most of the girls at the Garden. She was about 5 ft 10in, with waist-length black hair and bright green eyes. The shirt she wore tonight was cropped and he saw the rose tattoo on the small of her back when she walked out the door ahead of him. He held the door for her but grabbed her quickly when she began to stumble.

“I got you!” he said, his strong arm around her waist.

“Sorry! I guess I’m still a little nervous from everything inside,” she said as they sat down at one of the tables. “Oh, no! I forgot your drink!” she started to get up, but Nickolas grabbed her hand.

“I don’t want a drink right now, Breeze. I’d like to talk,” he smiled, urging her back down on the bench beside him. “Besides, you’re on break, remember?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” she smiled shyly.

“Do I make you nervous? I’m sorry, I just wanted to try to get to know you a little better. I’ve noticed you a lot in here, but haven’t been able to get to talk to you. There always seems to be a couple of men around you that won’t let me get close enough.”

“Well, if you ever see those men again, feel free to remove them from my vicinity. They are a nuisance & I can never get my work done. They make me nervous,” Breeze began.

“Yeah, I know what happens when you get nervous!” he laughed lightly.

She joined his laughter, feeling comfortable again. Men usually made her nervous, but for some reason, he made her feel more confident and less nervous.

“Tell me a little about yourself?” he asked.

“What do you want to know? You know my name already,” she said, shy again.

“How old are you? You obviously aren’t English, not by your accent; Irish maybe?”

“Very good. I’m half-Irish. I’m 22 and started working here last year.”

They talked for about twenty minutes longer until Nickolas sensed danger. “DOWN!” He grabbed her, pushing her off the bench, shielding her body with his, hearing a thud on he table above them.

He looked up and brought his sword up in time to block the downward stroke of the sword aimed for his neck.

“RUN, BREEZE! RUN!” he screamed, as he grabbed his other short sword, blocking the tall, red-haired man’s second sword. ‘Oh, shit! I’m not fully rested from the last fight. Please, let her tell Kevin!’ he thought, his arms burning from defending himself & the force it took to keep the man’s swords from making contact with his body.

Just when he thought he wasn’t going to block another strike, he saw the man stagger backwards slightly, a long silver dagger protruding from his shoulder. Then two silver swords came up to the man’s throat, one in front, the other at the back of his neck.

Nickolas dropped to his knees, trying to catch his breath, his swords by his sides. He then felt Breeze wrap her arms around his shoulders. He lay his head on her shoulder, still breathing hard.

“Why do you continue to torment my family?” Kevin growled low.

“I have orders,” the tall man said.

“From whom?” Alex asked.

“Go to Hell!” the man said, then hissed as he felt the sting of Alex’s sword. “Go ahead & take my head, crossbreed. You won’t get your answers then!”

“He’s right, Alexander. I want answers first. Then you may satisfy your blood thirst,” Samantha said quietly. “But I do believe that this,” she said, pulling the dagger out of the man’s shoulder, “belongs to someone else. Breeze, sweetheart, I do believe this is yours,” she said, feeling the young girl take the dagger from her hand.

“Secure him. We will do this in a more private environment. Alex, transport the three of you to the Manor; we will arrive in an hour. We don’t want any more problems here tonight! Go!”

“Yes, m’lady!” Alex said and immediately he, Kevin and the tall man in black & blue plaid disappeared from the courtyard.

When the three men disappeared, she turned her attention to Nickolas. His breathing was back to normal, but he hadn’t moved from Breeze’s embrace. She saw the blending of the two faint auras and knew that she had to go with them; Breeze couldn’t be parted from Nickolas now. “We need to leave, now, before anything else happens. Breeze, you are coming with us.”

“But, my shift,” she began.

“I will handle it. Eadon knows not to argue with me. What I say goes. Go with Nickolas and the others. I will be there shortly.” Sammie then went inside to find Eadon.

“I completely understand, Sammie. Tell her that if she needs a job, I’m always here to help her out.” Eadon hugged her friend tightly, sensing how tired she was. “You go home & rest. Give me a call in a day or so and we’ll go shopping. I also want to know more about that new cute blonde you have in your circle of friends!” she laughed.

“I will introduce you soon. I need to go now, Eadon. I will call you in a few days.” Sammie returned her friend’s hug and then left the club.

The driver held the limo door open and helped her inside, closing the door firmly once she was seated. Sammie looked at the small group in the limo. They had acquired two extra people – Selina and Breeze. ‘Well, at least the two girls will be safer with us,’ she thought, looking at Selina wrapped in Howard’s arms; Nickolas & Breeze now holding each other, almost asleep.

“Relax, my friends. We have a long ride, and I’m tired. Brian, wake me when we get to the Manor, please?”

“Yes, m’lady,” he whispered, as her eyes drifted closed.