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Chapter 15

Paul arrived shortly after dawn.

Brian didn’t know what to expect, when he walked into the library, but the man he saw before him, surprised him. Paul was only about 5’6” tall, but well-built, short brown hair with blonde streaks & bright, smiling blue eyes and a small blue pentacle tattooed beside his right eye. He spoke with a slight Italian accent as he introduced himself and Brian saw that he had numerous tattoos on both arms. “I’m Paul Erna. A priest, eh?” he asked, noticing the small crucifix around Brian’s neck.

“Uh, yes. It’s nice to meet you, Paul. I’m Brian,” he said, shaking the other man’s hand.

“Interesting. May I introduce my wife, Abigail,” Paul said as a young-looking woman walked into the room.

Abigail was about 5’8” tall, long brown hair & hazel eyes. When Brian shook her hand, he noticed the tattoos around both wrists: on her right wrist was a ring of stargazer lilies; around her left wrist was a ring of intricate symbols. “They are runes of power & protection,” she said in a soft Scots accent, smiling at him.

“Oh, ok. I just never saw symbols like that before,” Brain said, blushing slightly.

“As a priest, I don’t imagine you would see them at all. But things are changing my young priest. Are you prepared to help us turn the tide that is fast approaching?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said truthfully, without thinking.

“Good. Hold to your Faith, and you will live; doubt it and you will die quickly,” she said, then kissed his cheek softly. “You may live longer than you think. Sammie will let nothing harm you,” she said, gently touching the side of his throat. She smiled wryly at the look of surprise in his eyes, then turned her attention to Alex & Kevin.

“So good to see you, m’lady. It has been far too long since you have graced us with your presence,” Alex said, gently kissing her knuckles and bowing slightly.

Kevin followed suit, kissing her hand & bowing slightly, then she moved into his hug. She then pulled back and looked up at the taller man. “Where is Sammie? I would like to talk with her.”

“She is in her garden, meditating. She & Nickolas will probably skip their workout this morning. There were two fights at the Garden last night. We also have a few new people that have joined our ranks, I believe. You will meet them outside,” Kevin explained as they all took their seats.

“I figured there were new people here; I can sense them.” She closed her eyes, focusing. “The priest, another young man and two young women. Are they aware of what is going on?”

“Yes. Everything was explained to them an hour ago,” Alex said.

“Very good. Less talking and more time to plan how to deal with your … ‘guest’. Where is he, by the way?” Paul asked.

“Downstairs,” Kevin answered.

“Good. We don’t want him hurting himself, now do we?” Paul laughed quietly.

“If you gentlemen will excuse me? I need to go see Sammie & Nickolas & meet these new friends,” Abigail said.

The men stood as she left the room, only resuming their seats after she had closed the door behind her.