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Chapter 18

“We will try again when Kevin & Alex get downstairs, my love. It’ll be safer with 4 of us,” Paul said.

“Then let us not wait any longer, my friend. I want to know why we were attacked twice in one night. And if he knows anything about the break-in at the club earlier,” Kevin said as he & Alex walked downstairs to the ancient – but renovated – dungeon.

The four friends moved into the room where the man slept. As soon as Alex & Kevin grabbed him and stood him up, Paul removed the spell as Abigail gripped the sides of his head and closed her eyes. It took about two minutes with the man fighting against them, but she succeeded in getting the information they needed.

Kevin had been wondering why this man looked so familiar to him. He now recognized the younger man as Kimberly’s brother.

“Why have you damned yourself, Ian?” Kevin asked suddenly. He was angry beyond words, but was trying to contain his anger.

“Why did you let Kimberly die? You should have been with her!” Ian spat.

“There was no way of knowing she would have the child early! It was not in my control! But don’t ever doubt that I didn’t love her! I did! She & I were soulmates & we have been lucky enough to find each other again. I love my wife very much & will do anything to keep her safe so I don’t lose her again! Now tell me why you have tried to destroy this family four times! The truth, Ian – no lies! She knows the truth & will tell us if you lie!” Kevin was getting angrier by the moment but knew if he let go he would grab his sword next. He wanted answers first though & didn’t want to do anything he knew he would regret.

“Okay, I’ll talk. But if I do, I can’t guarantee the safety of your wife & those with her. And when I finish, you kill me because my brother will be killed. I will have no reason to live anymore if that happens,” Ian explained, his eyes filling with sadness.

Kevin looked over at Abigail & she nodded.

“Damn!” Kevin swore. Now he was torn; he wanted answers, but couldn’t risk the lives of his wife & friends. Nor did he want an ‘innocent’ killed for Ian’s answers.

“The only thing I can tell you in all safety is that the one who holds my brother is not the one who made me. What happened to me was not my choice. I don’t want to be like this anymore, Kevin. I’m tired of it all! If it wasn’t for my brother or your wife & friends, I would tell you what you wanted to know,” Ian said.

“Paul, make sure he stays safe. I need to think & I can’t do it in here.” Kevin let go of Ian and left the room quickly.

He walked upstairs, grabbing the cordless phone as he walked past it & outside into the fresh air. He dialed Sammie’s cell phone.

“Hello?” came her laughing reply.

“Where are you?” he asked quickly.

“We’re still shopping, why?”

“Go pick up Nickolas at the club, then all of you come home. Bring Eadon with you. We have a serious problem. I will explain everything when you are home safe.”

“Kevin, you’re making me nervous. What is it?”

“Trust me! Do as I ask, Samantha. Do not question me about this further. Come home, now!”

“Yes, dear. We are on our way now. We’ll see you in about an hour.” She hung up, not knowing what was angering her husband; he never called her Samantha unless he was upset about something.

Nickolas met them at the front door of the club and climbed into the back seat, closing the door as Sammie drove off.

“So, he didn’t tell you anything either?” Nickolas asked.

“No. He actually called me ‘Samantha’, Nickolas! He NEVER calls me that unless he’s upset about something.”s

“Well, let’s do as he says & get home quick, but safely!” he said, as he noticed her picking up speed.

“I always get you where you need to be safely, Nickolas. That’s not going to change!” she smiled.