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Chapter 2- England – North of London

Kevin was inside his study, looking out the window, a glass of red wine in his hand. He watched as Sammie and Nickolas went through their daily sparring routine.

“Yes, come in, the door’s open,” he said, hearing a light knock on the door. He turned around and saw Angel and Alex in the door.

“You made it! How was Logan?” he asked, hugging Angel.

“Devastated, just like I told you he would be! Where’s Sammie?”

“Outside with Nickolas. Go to her & let her know you’re here. Alex and I have a few things to discuss anyway.”

Alex waited until Angel left the room to ask Kevin what they needed to discuss.

“What’s happened since I left? I was only gone a few days.”

“Nickolas & VooDoo were attacked in London after they dropped you off at the airport. Neither one knows who or why,” Kevin explained.

“What happened?”

“They were attacked outside of the airport. VooDoo is still in London somewhere; Nickolas came back home as quickly as possible. Sammie had to do some minor repair to his side, though. He had a pretty deep cut near his neck though; that is what had us all worried!

“Then someone knew him and tried to take his head?” Alex asked, concerned.

“That is what we suspect, yes. But, as you can see,” he motioned to the large picture window, “he’s back to his normal self again.”

Alex looked out the window to the youngsters. The only thing that had always bothered him was that Angel had never had the courage to pick up a sword. As he watched the three young friends, he said quietly, “Maybe it’s time to move on, Kevin.”

“But it’s only been 4 years, Alex; do you think it’s necessary? It was only one incidence. If it happens again, I’ll consider it,” Kevin said. “Besides, I’ve already contacted a couple of friends to see what they can find out in London. We’ll go from there.”

Outside, Angel watched as Nickolas & Sammie finished up their routine. As Sammie put her sword down and turned to her, she said, “I have never understood your fascination with swords!”

“It’s a necessity, Angel, and you know it! But we respect your decision not to use one; that’s why one of us has always been close enough to help you!” Sammie said as she hugged her friend. “Now, tell me how Logan took this new funeral?”

“Not good, Sammie! Not good at all!” Angel said, tears in her eyes. “Like with you, he started asking questions that I couldn’t answer. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, Sammie! Now I know how it was for you!”

“I told you it was going to be harder to leave the longer you stayed. I told you that two years ago. You should’ve left sooner, but I can understand why you didn’t. But I do believe you promised to show me pictures of the twins & the new baby?”

“Yes, I did! They’re in my purse upstairs. But, if you don’t mind, I just want to go take a shower and go to sleep for a little while. I’ll be back downstairs for dinner.”

Angel hugged Sammie & Nickolas before returning inside & upstairs to her bed.