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Chapter 20

Kevin had agreed to give Sammie & Abigail a few days to train the new people & two hours later, they were outside with Howard, Selina, Eadon and Brian. A target had been set up for Breeze & Nickolas was helping her concentrate on her accuracy. Kevin was in the process of helping Howard, while Alex & Paul helped Brian with dagger. Abigail & Sammie helped Eadon & Selina with their new shortswords & daggers.

“If all else fails, just try to knock them off-balance or get them to the ground; we will take care of them after that,” Abigail said two days later as they were sitting on the patio. “Now, we will give you a demonstration of what you may need to expect. Nickolas, which side will you take? Mine or Sammie’s?”

“Yours, m’lady,” he said.

“Good. Alex, you will also be with me, as will Kevin. Sammie, you & Paul will be together on one team.”

“But that’s not fair, four against 2,” Brian said.

“Do you remember what happened at the club, Brian? I’ve been up against worse odds before & survived,” Sammie said. “Watch & learn quickly, my young friend.” She then turned her back on the other four, turning to talk to Paul.

The ‘game’ began suddenly, with no warning. Paul & Sammie quickly went back-to-back, each fighting two ‘enemies’. Kevin and Alex teamed against Paul; Abigail & Nickolas against Sammie.

Sammie quickly ‘dispatched’ her two enemies, knocking Abigail to the ground & sending Nickolas over the stone wall & out into the yard. She then turned quickly bringing her two swords up to meet Alex’s. Kevin knocked Paul to the ground, effectively taking him out of the ‘game’, then turned to help Alex.

Sammie saw Paul go down and quickly blocked Kevin’s sword instantly. She was able to block their swords, but was beginning to tire quickly. She shoved Alex hard enough that it took him out of the game as well. Then she concentrated on Kevin. She now had one hand free & was now able to quickly send him also over the wall & into the yard with a startled yell.

“That is what you need to try to expect, my friends. These creatures do not fight fair. They want blood & will go into a blood rage when hungry. We have also been known to go into a blood rage when angered enough and we can’t control our powers. Terra, my dragon, will always come to my aid if she’s needed; I usually lose control of my wind power, as you saw at the club. We,” she indicated the others, “have also been known to lose our control over our inner wolves.” At the looks of confusion, she turned to Paul, who answered her unspoken question with a nod.

Suddenly, where six humans had stood were now six beautiful wolves, 5 Grey wolves & one solid black wolf with bright green eyes. Just as suddenly, the 6 humans were again standing before them.

“So that’s why your howls always sound so real when you come into the Garden?” Eadon asked.

“Yes. It doesn’t happen very often, but if we do switch, just keep in mind that the wolves are the good guys, ok?” Nickolas said with a laugh.