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Chapter 23

“Get everyone out of the house, my child. It won’t be safe,” Samantha heard Terra tell her.

“We need to get out of the house. It won’t be safe inside,” Sammie said.

Just then, they heard a series of crashes from upstairs then smelled smoke.

“Everyone out into the yard! Get out into the open where we can fight!” Kevin ordered, drawing his sword.

The others followed him, running out into the back gardens, each pulling their weapons.

Once they were all outside, they were immediately surrounded & separated into three groups. They turned their backs to each other so their weaker sides were protected. Several vampires went down quickly, unprepared for the fury & quickness of what they perceived as weak crossbreeds & mortals.

Ian had been correct in his count; there were only 20 vamps to begin with & within a few minutes, only 10 remained. Screams erupted around Kevin and he saw several vampires fly through the air only to burst into flames before hitting the ground. But his mind was focused only on one vampire – Jacob.

He looked around – searching. He saw Angel & Alex fighting side by side with Abby & Paul behind them. Howard, Selena, Nickolas & Breeze were also fighting as a team. He & Sammie fought back to back as usual, with Brian & Eadon next to them & fighting well.

He heard an ear-splitting scream close by & turned his head to see what had happened. He saw a vampire drop Brian quickly, screaming in pain. The vampire had made the mistake of grabbing Brian by the front of his shirt & exposing the crucifix that he always wore around his neck. Brian’s Faith was strong enough that the vampire couldn’t touch him. When the vampire fell to his knees, Brian quickly took his head & making a quick sign of the cross.

The house was now almost completely engulfed in flames. Sammie saw all their memories go up in flames which fueled her own anger & renewed her attack on the stubborn vampire in front of her.

Breeze & Nickolas were fighting side by side with Howard & Selena behind them. Nickolas could tell that Breeze was tiring quickly. “Breeze, keep fighting, sweetheart! Don’t give up!”

“I’m not! It just seems like we get rid of one or two, there’s another one there to replace it!” she said as she quickly took a vampire’s head.

Brian & Eadon fought back to back as well. Brian didn’t look away from his foe in front of him. His crucifix was now showing clearly against his dark blue shirt. The vampires would still get close enough to fight, but none dared to touch him after they saw their comrade fall beneath the man’s Faith.


After ten minutes of fighting, the last vampire went up in flames & the friends quickly grouped together.

“Is it over?” Selena asked, out of breath.

“Not even close!” Kevin said. “I haven’t seen Jacob & this,” he indicated the false night around them, “is his work. This isn’t over yet.”

“How right you are, Ravenwolf!” a voice boomed from the patio.

Everyone turned & saw the tall man silhouetted against the flames of the house.

Suddenly there were 8 vampires surrounding the small ‘family’.

Seven snarls were heard from the immortals. The vampires were quickly dispatched & Kevin walked toward Jacob, pointing his sword.

“Jacob McAlester! You want to end this? We end it NOW! Come & fight me!”

Jacob laughed wickedly. “Now you wish to fight me? After all this time, you finally wish to face me? Fine!”

Jacob was suddenly in front of Kevin, his sword coming down in a deadly arc.

Kevin blocked Jacob’s sword easily, laughing at the stunned look on Jacob’s face.

Both men were suddenly locked into a deadly duel with swords each.


“Paul, he’s tiring too quickly!” Sammie said in panic.

“Calm yourself, Child! Do not interfere unless it’s necessary,” Paul & Abigail stood on either side of her, holding her in case she panicked & changed.


Twenty minutes later, both men were tiring quickly. Each was covered in blood from the many cuts they each had inflicted.

Kevin saw the blood lust beginning to rise in Jacob; the scent of blood was beginning to take control of him & Kevin could feel his own blood lust rise. He could feel the urge to change but fought it. He knew it would be a last resort to do so & he felt he still had some control over the situation.

Then Jacob caught him off-guard & he fell, barely able to block the downward stroke of Jacob’s other sword.


The small group watched on as the two men fought with their remaining strength. The immortals could see the blood lust rising in both men & wondered what would happen if either man lost control.

Sammie looked on in horror as Kevin fell to the ground on his back, bringing his sword up in time to block Jacob’s sword.

“NO!” she screamed.


Jacob looked up & screamed as he saw a young woman run towards him, then fell back as a large Gray wolf hit him in the chest, knocking his swords from his hands. He screamed again as he heard the howls of five other wolves as they all pounced on him.


The five mortals looked on in disbelief as the humans disappeared & the wolves suddenly appeared, attacking Jacob when Kevin fell.

Brian & Howard ran to Kevin, pulling the semi-conscious man out of the way as the wolves tore Jacob to pieces in anger & blood lust.

Breeze knelt down and the men laid Kevin’s head in her lap. She gently ran her hands over his face, brushing the hair away from his face. Then she moved her hands down his arms & body, quickly healing the deep cuts.

“Please tell me there was no poison on those blades!” Kevin said weakly, looking up into Breeze’s soft eyes.

“No poison, Kevin. If there was, it won’t do any damage.” They had discovered earlier in the week that Breeze had the gift of healing by touch – any cut was healed by her touch & any effect of a poison was quickly nullified.

“Blood, please. Where’s Sammie?” he asked.

“She’s busy. Take mine, Kevin,” Breeze said quietly. She pulled her hair away from her neck as Kevin sat up & reached for her.

He drank quickly, only drawing what he needed. He licked the small wound closed and sighed softly as he leaned against her, her arms around his neck. He suddenly sensed Sammie & the others next to them and looked up. He then leaned into Sammie’s arms as Nickolas gathered Breeze into his arms.

Kevin could smell blood on Sammie & looked into her eyes. Her features were just returning to normal & he realized what had happened. “Now it’s over,” he said softly.

“Yes. I wasn’t going to let him destroy us anymore. You are my life, Kevin! You have saved me on more than one occasion & it was my turn to save you. Jacob is out of his misery forever & has, hopefully, found eternal rest.”

They looked over and saw Brian standing over the remains of Jacob. He sprinkled a bit of Holy Water onto the remains & made a sign of the cross. He then turned & saw them watching him.

“Everyone deserves Final Rites,” he said quietly. “No matter who - or what – they are.”

“I just hope you will the same for us, Brian, if & when the time ever comes,” Sammie said.

“Of course. You & the others are the only family I have now. Howard’s family & mine have disowned both of us. We have no where else to go. So I guess you’re stuck with us!” he smiled.

Sammie reached up & hugged him. “You all will always be a part of our family. We have to remain together to remain alive.”

“Thank you, M’lady,” he said, returning her hug.