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Chapter 4

After the attack on Nickolas & himself, VooDoo went to a friend’s house to recover. His wounds were minor compared to the two wounds that Nickolas had received; he just hoped that Nickolas had been able to get back home before he lost too much blood.

He received good news a few days later from one of the men that Kevin had sent looking for him. Nickolas had made it back to the manor house & Sammie had been able to heal him.

VooDoo called from his cell phone to the manor, to let Kevin or Sammie know he was ok.

“Hello?” came the sweet voice that had always made him smile.

“Hello, chere’, how you?” he asked, his Cajun accent still heavy, despite living in England for 4 years.

“VooDoo! Where are you? Are you ok?” Sammie asked, glad to hear her friend’s voice.

“I’m fine, chere’. How is Nickolas doing?”

“He’s much better. I’m alright; Angel made it here yesterday. When are you coming home?” Sammie asked.

“In a couple of days. I want to make sure that everything is ok here in town first. Is Kevin available for me to speak to him?”

“As a matter of fact, he just walked in the door, hold on a minute.” She said even as she signaled Kevin to the phone. “It’s VooDoo,” she said as she handed him the phone.

“VooDoo, come home; I need some answers!” Kevin said evenly.

“If you need me immediately, I can be there in an hour or so. If it can wait, I can be there day after tomorrow?”

Kevin sighed heavily. “I would feel better if you were here; you know how nervous Samantha gets when we are all separated like this.”

“I understand. I’ll be there in about an hour. Tell her to trust me!”

“I will, thank you. See you when you get home.” He sighed again as he hung up the phone and turned to see Sammie with hope in her eyes.

He held out his arms, a smile on his lips. He wrapped her in his strong arms when she moved into them and held her close. He kissed the top of her head and said, “He told me to tell you to trust him; he’ll be home in about an hour or so.”

“Good! I hate it when we get separated! It scares me more than anything, Kev!”

“I know; why do you think I am constantly reminding him of that? I want you to be happy, Baby.”