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Chapter 6- New Orleans

They stepped out of the airport into the relatively pleasant spring day. In her carry-on bag, Samantha carried only a few items: two days worth of clothes and a small, though ornate, wooden box made of red cypress.

Sammie & Kevin stepped into their rental car and headed immediately towards the Old River Road, leading out of the city and into the swamps.

An hour later, Kevin stopped the car and they got out. He stayed near the car as Sammie walked over to the edge of the water, the cypress box in her hands. Tears ran down her cheeks as she began a low chant, opening the box and began to scatter the ashes that were inside. A few minutes later, she turned back around and faced Kevin. Tears were still in her eyes, but a look of peace had replaced the despair and sadness.

Kevin didn’t know what else to do but open his arms to her. When she moved into his arms, he held her, whispering in her ear, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart! If I had even thought for a moment he would have been attacked again, I wouldn’t have insisted he come home immediately. I would have agreed to let him stay in town a few days longer. Instead, we end up losing a friend.”

“It isn’t entirely your fault, Kev! He should’ve come home with Nickolas, not run off by himself again! I never understood that!”

“He wanted me to tell you that he will always be watching over you.”

“I know he will. He never broke a promise to me, except one! He promised we would all be together for all time! Now he’s gone!” she cried, holding onto her husband tightly.

“No, sweetheart. His body may be gone, but his soul will always be near us. We were able to save his soul before he lost it,” Kevin said softly, trying to ease his wife’s grief.