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Chapter 7

“We have two visitors at the Manor, Kev. They insisted on seeing you as soon as you & Sammie got back,” Nickolas said as soon as they got off the plane.

Kevin growled low in his throat; he was tired and sore from the long flight and he was very frustrated. He and Sammie had almost been spotted by Logan while driving to the airport and had never been so grateful to be in a crowded place, much less on an airplane. It was very upsetting for Sammie and just as hard for him not to go to their son. Now, Kevin was being told that they wouldn’t be able to rest immediately when they got home – they were expected to see these two mysterious ‘visitors’.

“Fine. Just let us rest on the way back to the Manor; we are exhausted!” Kevin said, helping Sammie, who was already half-asleep, into the backseat of the car.

“No problem, Kev,” Nickolas said, as they got into the waiting car. By the time the car had left the airport, both Kevin and Sammie were asleep.

The two visitors stood up from the large, Gothic-style chairs & turned around to greet Kevin & Samantha as they walked into the study.

“We are so sorry to bother you at this time, Mr. Ravenwolf, Mrs. Ravenwolf; but we have some information that you may want,” the young blonde man said. Kevin saw immediately the crucifix around the man’s neck. ‘A priest, how interesting,’ Kevin thought.

“Oh? And what kind of information would my wife & I want?” Kevin asked as he sat down behind his large desk. “Thank you, my love,” he smiled up at Sammie as she handed him his goblet of red wine.

“I’m sorry, I’m very tired right now & not thinking straight. Did you two gentlemen care for anything to drink? May I offer you water or wine?” she asked, turning cool green eyes and a warm smile on them.

Kevin covered his smile by taking a sip from his glass as the young priest fumbled over his words. He knew his wife’s simple beauty flustered a lot of unsuspecting young men. “Um, yes, ma’am. Water will be just fine, please,” the young priest stuttered.

“And for you?” she asked the other young man. He was about her height, with Latino features, long dark brown hair, dark eyes & tan skin.

“Wine will be fine, Ma’am,” he said with a gracious smile.

“I’ll be back in a moment.” Sammie turned and went to the other side of the room where the bar was set up. She poured the water and wine and then carried the two goblets back to the visitors.

“So, you are telling me that you might know who is behind the two attacks on my brothers?” Kevin asked.

“Yes, Sir. That’s what I’m saying,” the young priest said.

Kevin nodded slightly. He was sitting back in his chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. He took another sip of his wine, thinking.

“Your wine & your water, Sirs,” Sammie said, handing them the goblets.

“Thank you very much, Mrs. Ravenwolf,” they said.

Sammie then went to stand beside Kevin’s chair, resting one hand on his shoulder, her other hand absently on the hilt of her sword.

“What I am curious to know, is how is it that a priest – and one as young as you – has such information? Who sent you & why?” Kevin asked, his dark green eyes turning darker as he focused on the young man in front of him.

“Kev, calm down; you’re frightening the poor youngster!” Sammie said quietly. She turned her own warm eyes onto the young man. “What are your names?” she asked.

“I am Father Brian.”

“I am Howard. Brian and I have been friends for several years.”

“I see. Now, answer my husband’s question. Either of you, I don’t really care, but don’t lie to us. Tell us what you know of these attacks or please leave & stop wasting our time.”

Brian saw the tears in the woman’s eyes. “Yes, Ma’am. Howard and I had just returned from the States, and were walking out to the parking lot to his car. The attack was quick, but we did see the men.”

“You saw this happen, and you didn’t do anything about it? *You didn’t go to the police or any other authorities? Why did you wait until now to come to us about this? The second attack cost my wife & I a very old & dear friend.” He reached up and then brought Sammie down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her, as she began to sob again.

Brian looked down into his goblet, as Kevin tried to soothe his wife.

“I’m sorry, Sir. It just happened so quickly, that Howard & I both weren’t even sure it actually happened. Then Howard saw the other attack a few days later.”

“I recognized both men. I vaguely remembered that I had seen the blonde man in town several weeks earlier when he came into my sister’s fabric shop. I traced the car back to here. I found out that you two were out of town & when you would be back so we could talk to you,” Howard said.

“What do you remember of the attacker?” Samantha asked, standing up.

“Tall, long red hair, dressed in dark clothes; almost ancient looking clothing,” Howard explained as Sammie walked over to him.

“Ancient?” she asked, lightly touching his temple. She saw a flash of mild panic, but it disappeared quickly.

“Yes, M’lady,” he whispered, losing himself in her eyes.

Kevin realized what she was doing and knew that they would soon find out the truth.

“What are you think you’re,” Brian began, thinking that this woman was seducing his friend.

“Sit, my young priest. My wife has the gift of Second Sight. She also has the ability to see the truth & the past. Now sit!” Kevin said evenly, with a touch of steel in his voice.

A few minutes later, Sammie turned to Kevin. He saw the look on her pale face and knew she had seen the man in question.

“Kev,” she whispered, just before her knees gave way.

Kevin was on his feet and caught Sammie just before she hit the floor. “Samantha, sweetheart! Open your eyes for me. Look at me!” he said, panicked.

He breathed a small sigh of relief when her eyes fluttered open. “Tall, long red hair, black Renaissance-style clothing, blue & black plaid,” she muttered, before losing consciousness again.

“Dammit!” He looked at the two men, still sitting in their chairs. “If you will excuse me a few minutes, I need to put my wife to bed. I will then come back down & we will talk further.” Kevin stood up quickly, cradling Sammie against his chest.

Angel met Kevin on the stairs. “I’ll keep an eye on her, Kev,” she offered.

“Thank you, Angel. We’ve had a bad couple of days and she overdid it.” He laid her down carefully then walked back downstairs to the waiting visitors.