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Chapter 8

Somewhere in London “You were successful this time, I assume?”

The question was asked from the shadow-covered chair. “Yes, m’lord. Everything was successful. They discovered the poison & he had one of the others take his head. I believe that two of them have left the country for the States; they should be back in a few days. Should I take care of things then?” asked the tall red-haired man.

“No. Let them all recover from this ‘tragedy’ & then we will strike again.” The man in the chair made a small movement & a young woman came forward with a simple black shoulder bag.

“Your payment & a small incentive to keep you loyal to me. I will call on you soon.”

“As you wish, m’lord,” the tall man said, walking backwards towards the door. Only when he was out in the hallway & the door closed, did he turn around and walked out the front door to his car.

Kevin walked back into the library where the two men were sitting talking quietly to one another. “Ok, gentlemen. I want you to start at the beginning & tell me everything that you remember about the two attacks. Do not leave anything out. As you noticed, my wife has ways to find out if you lied or left anything out. Now talk!”

Kevin ordered as he took his seat behind the desk once again, wine goblet in hand. The two men looked at each other, nodded, and began to tell their side of the story. Two hours later, the men were done with their story. Nickolas and Alexander showed the two men to rooms that had been made ready for them, while Kevin made his way to his own bed.

Angel looked up when Kevin walked into the room. “She hasn’t moved since you put her down. She must be exhausted.”

“Yes. We’re both exhausted & all we wanted was to come home & go to bed. But our guests prevented that. Anyway, we have guests through tomorrow. I want to talk to them more, but with Sammie present. Thank you for watching her, but I’m sure Alex wants you close to him, now,” Kevin smiled.

“I believe you’re right. Good night, Kev,” Angel said, walking out of the room and closing the door quietly behind her. Kevin undressed quickly, crawled into bed and pulled his sleeping wife close to him, falling asleep immediately.