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Chapter 9

Brian couldn’t sleep. Little things kept coming into his thoughts. ‘Why did she call me a youngster? I can’t be much older than she is!’ Then another part of his mind told him that her eyes belied her age. ‘But how is that possible?’ He yawned widely, tired from the long day.

He turned over to his side, trying to get comfortable in the large bed. He could feel sleep creeping over him and he closed his eyes. His last waking thought was that he was sure everything would be explained tomorrow.

Howard was tired, but sleep eluded him. Something about the house & the people who lived there was familiar; he just couldn’t place it. He didn’t know what to expect when he got there earlier, but the last thing he expected was to have his memories scanned. ‘What did she do? How? Why did she call them youngsters?’ She looked younger than he did, but her eyes seemed older. And why had he felt such peace when she had touched him?

He slowly drifted off, these and other thoughts still on his mind.

Kevin awoke to an empty bed the next morning. The clock next to the bed showed 7:30am; Sammie & Nickolas were probably outside doing their morning workout.

He dressed & went downstairs, the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen to find Angel doing what she loved best – cooking!

“Smells good, Angel!”

“Thanks, Kev. Here’s your coffee,” she said, handing him a mug. “Sammie is out back with Nickolas & Alex; they should be in soon.” Angel then looked up as Alex walked in the door, leading the two visitors into the kitchen. “Good morning, Love,” Angel said as Alex wrapped his arms around her, kissing her.

“Good morning, yourself,” Alex whispered in her ear, then turned to Brian & Howard. “Come, gentlemen; sit & join us for breakfast. My wife is an excellent cook!”

“Thank you,” they said in unison, sitting down at the table.

“Um, Mr. Ravenwolf, where is your wife this morning?” Howard asked, almost shyly. He felt the need to talk to her about what had happened the day before in the library.

“I’m right here, Howard. Do you need to talk to me about something?” Samantha asked as she came into the kitchen.

“Uh, yes, I do. But it can wait til after breakfast, I’m sure,” he stuttered.

“Alright. We will talk after breakfast, then,” she smiled at him.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” Kevin said quietly with a gentle kiss & smile, handing her a glass of juice.

“Thanks,” she said, returning the smile & kiss, then turned to Brian. “I’m sorry, Father, are we making you uncomfortable?”

“No ma’am, not at all!” the young priest said, blushing slightly.

“Sammie, your sword is in the library; is that gonna be ok?” Nickolas asked as he came into the kitchen. He sat down at the table as Angel placed his plate in front of him. “Thanks, Angel!”

“You’re very welcome, dear! I assume you two had a good workout this morning? I been hearing your swords for the last two hours!” Angel asked Samantha.

“Yes, we did. And yes, Nickolas, it’s fine in the library. I need to do a little work on it anyway. It wasn’t handling right this morning,” Sammie said.

“Swords?” Brian asked, his eyes wide.

Samantha met the young priest’s eyes. “All will be explained in it’s time, Brian.”

“Yes, m’lady,” was Brian’s soft reply.