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Chapter 17

Two days later after giving Diana a mild sedative & putting her in her air kennel, Morgan & Kevin hugged Ann goodbye. “I promise to keep you informed of everything that’s going on with the planning, Ann! I’m just so sorry that we can’t stay longer,” Morgan said.

“I understand, Morgan,” Ann told her as Kevin leaned down to hug her. “You be careful; try to call me when you get home, ok?”

“Yes, Ma’am, we will,” Kevin said as he got into the car.

“Morgan, you ok?” Kevin asked as he felt Morgan’s grip on his hand tighten as the plane hit more turbulence.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I think it’s just the turbulence; you know flying makes me nervous!” she laughed softly.

“I know, but we should be landing soon. Just try to relax; we’ll be on the ground shortly,” he assured her, bringing her hand up to his lips, kissing her fingers.

Just then the pilot came over the P.A. and announced that they were being cleared for landing at Orlando International Airport & would be landing within five minutes.

“See, what did I tell ya?” Kevin smiled. “I think Nick & Tessa are picking us up. At least that was what Nick told me this morning.”

“Oh, that’s going to be fun! I hope Nick remembered to drive your Expedition instead of his car! Your truck is the only one that Diana will get into!”

When Kevin & Morgan walked into the gate area, Tessa & Nick greeted them, along with their bodyguards, Randy & Max.

“Mr. Richardson, you & Mr. Carter need to get out of here quickly. I’ll take care of the girls,” Randy said.

“Go on, Kev. Tessa & I will meet you outside. I have to get Diana, if nothing else!” Morgan told him as Kevin leaned in for a quick kiss.

“Ok, be careful, Baby!” Kev said as Max led him & Nick through the crowd of fans.

The two girls & Randy made it to Luggage Claim without too much of a hassle. A few girls recognized them and they heard two rude remarks about ‘those bitches taking our men away’, but ignored them. On the other hand, when they reached Luggage Claim, two girls who recognized them, came up to them and asked them if the rumors were true.

“And what rumors might those be?” Morgan asked as an attendant pulling a large kennel behind him approached her.

“That you two are dating Kevin Richardson & Nick Carter?” the younger girl asked.

“Ah, you could say that,” Morgan said, smiling.

“Uh, Ms. Wolf? Is this your wolf?” the attendant asked nervously.

“Yes, she is. Is she still asleep?” Morgan asked, looking into the kennel to check on Diana.

“I don’t think so, Ma’am.”

“She’s awake,” Morgan said as she looked at Randy. “I’m going to have to take her out that kennel, or she’ll panic. Tessa, could you please help me hold her? Thank you very much for taking care of her,” Morgan said as Randy handed the young man a large tip, then took the kennel & the large suitcase.

“Ms. Wolf? Could we ask if we could take a picture with the two of you and maybe an autograph? We belong to a lot of Yahoo Groups & Clubs for Backstreet Boys, and a lot of the members like to show pictures to prove that they’ve met the guys or their girlfriends. Do you mind?”

“Not at all. Randy, could you please take the picture for us? If you girls don’t mind, Diana would like to be in the picture, too,” Morgan said with a smile.

Tessa and Morgan held onto Diana, the two girls stood on either side of them, while Randy took a couple pictures. Then he handed the camera back to the girls.

“Thank you so much!” the two young girls said. “Oh, can we pet her?”

“You’re verra welcome. We’ll let Kevin & Nick know about your group,” Morgan said as she & Tessa gave their autographs to the two girls. “And, yes, you may pet Diana; she likes to make new friends,” she smiled as the two girls received a wet lick on their hands. “Alright, Diana, we have to go home now! Goodbye, girls; it was nice to meet you. Be careful!” Morgan & Tessa waved as they led Diana out of the airport and towards Kevin’s black Expedition.

Kevin got out of the truck to help Morgan get Diana into the vehicle and then climbed back in as Randy went to his waiting car. “You sure you don’t need us for anything else, Mr. Richardson?”

“Positive, Randy! Thanks for getting all 3 of our girls safely to us!” Kevin said. “We’ll see ya’ll in a few days at the studio!” Kevin said, waving as he drove out of the airport terminal.