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Chapter 1

“So are you going to tell me why you were running late, or do I have to drag it out of you?” Morgan teased her friend, as Kris came back into the shop smiling ear to ear.

“Well, first of all – what did you think about Kevin? I told you he was cute,” Kris asked. “Second of all, I wanted to get something special for Tessa’s birthday, so I went out to the mall to see if I could pull some strings & get a concert ticket for her. As it turns out, I couldn’t get a single ticket, pass, and not even a poster! But that is why I love Howie so much! He gave me an extra ticket, plus a backstage VIP pass for Tessa! I also have a very large, personally autographed poster that they just put in my car! Please don’t tell her; I want to surprise her!”

As she paused to take a breath before rambling further, Morgan cut in, saying, “That’s great, Kris! Tessa will be very happy about that! But why don’t you tell me the rest over lunch? If we stay here, we won’t get a good table.” She walked to the foot of the stairs, calling up to Tessa, “Come on downstairs, Tessa! Kris is here & we’re leaving!”

“Sure thing! Morgan, you didn’t tell me you knew Kevin Richardson!” Tessa said as she came down the stairs with a steaming mug of hot tea.

“I didn’t, ‘til he came in here. That was the first time I’ve met him. If you want, I can ask him for an autograph?”

“Really? That would be awesome!”

As Morgan & Kris walked towards the door, Morgan told Tessa that she would be back in about two hours, depending on the crowd at the restaurant. “We’ll see you soon, Hon!” Morgan said, as she closed the door behind her.

As the two girls began walking the 6 blocks to Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, Kris began talking about her entire morning.

When they finally got seated and the waiter left to go get their drinks, Kris asked, “You never answered my question; what do you think about Kev? I told you he was tall, dark & gorgeous!”

“I like him,” Morgan said. Then, as the thought struck her, she looked at her friend over the rim of her tiny round glasses, she asked, “You’re trying to set me up again, aren’t you?”

The waiter came back at that moment and set their drinks down. They gave him their order and as he walked away, Kris picked up her Sprite, taking a sip. She looked at Morgan, smiling around her straw, giving her best innocent look, “Why do you think I would do something like that?”

“Don’t give me those innocent eyes! I know you all too well,” Morgan said.

“Well, if you want to know the truth, I would love to see the two of you together! You’re both tall, quiet…WHAT?!” Kris said as she saw Morgan roll her eyes.

“Kris, the last couple of times you set me up, the guys and I only ended up friends! Great friends, mind you, but friends nonetheless. Sully & AJ are great guys; we have a lot in common. But what makes you think it will be different with Kevin?”

“I don’t! That’s what makes me hope that it WILL be different! Please?”

Morgan sighed, giving in reluctantly. “Ok, but this is the LAST time! If it ends up like before, promise me you will stop setting me up!”

“Promise!” Kris said, smiling, knowing in her heart that it wouldn’t end up as ‘just friends’ between Morgan & Kevin.