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Chapter 20

The next evening as the ten friends - and one little girl - sat around the dinner table at the Red Lobster, Kevin stood up and made the announcement that he & Morgan had gotten engaged while on their visit to Kentucky. It wasn’t much of a surprise to the friends; they had all been waiting for Kevin to say that they had eloped!

There were hugs and congratulations all around and also some good-natured joking.

“So, why not a double wedding, Morgan? Or are you afraid that the church will go up in flames if you get married in one?” Howie asked.

“Kris is just thankful that I’m even considering stepping foot into the church for your wedding. She would never forgive me otherwise!” Morgan said.

“When and where are you two getting married anyway, Cuz?” Brian asked.

“Haven’t discussed that yet, Bri! But, I would be honored if you were my Best Man.”

Three days later, Kevin woke early and took his shower. He answered his cell phone on the second ring as he got out of the shower.


“You almost ready, Train?” Howie asked.

“Almost. You caught me as I was getting out of the shower. Give me about ten minutes and I should be ready,” Kevin said.

“Ok, ten minutes it is. I’ll be waiting! And I promise not to blow the horn!”

“Good. Please don’t wake Morgan! She didn’t sleep well last night again.”

“More bad dreams?”

“Yep. So don’t be too worried when you see my new black eye!” Kevin laughed.

“She hit you? That must’ve been one hell of a bad dream!” Howie said.

“Yeah. Let me get ready, D. I’ll meet you outside in about ten minutes or so. Maybe we can grab some breakfast on the way to the studio?”

A few minutes later, Kevin was dressed in a black tee shirt, blue jeans and a pair of tennis shoes, his hair pulled back in a ponytail. He leaned down and kissed Morgan gently on the cheek, placing a note and a red rose on his pillow, knowing it would be one of the first things she saw when she woke up. He whispered in her ear, “I love you, Sweetheart,” as he stood up and quietly walked out of the room.

He let Diana out of the house, unlocking the pet door that he had installed in the patio door for her use, then walked out the front door just as Howie pulled into the driveway.

Kevin called Morgan several times during the day to check on her. She thanked him for the beautiful rose and note, then told him that she and the girls were going to go to lunch and then go look for a wedding dress.

“Oh, no! What have I got myself into, now?” he asked in mock shock. “No, seriously, babe, have fun. Which friend or friends are you wanting in the wedding?”

“I was thinking maybe Kris and Tessa. Is that ok with you?” Morgan asked.

“That’s fine, baby. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. Just tell me what to wear and when and where to show up!” he laughed.

“That’s no fun, Kev! I want you to have some say in this, too.”

“Ok. We can talk about what we want to do when I get home tonight.”

“That’s fine. Oh, I need to go, now, Kev. The girls are here. I’ll have my cell phone with me, though. I love you. Bye.”

“I love you, too, Morgan. Bye.”