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Chapter 25- July

Due to Morgan’s increasing sickness during the pregnancy, Kris asked Morgan if she would be upset if she had Tessa stand as her maid of honor. Tessa told Morgan if she was upset about it, she wouldn’t accept.

“Tessa, why would I be upset? There is no way I’ll be able to do it. I wish I could, but I just can’t. You can wear my dress; I may have to alter the length a little, though. Go get it out of the guest room closet & try it on. Then come in here and I’ll see what needs to be done, ok?” Morgan suggested. She had been sitting in the living room on the couch, watching a movie when Tessa and Kris walked in to visit her while the guys were at the studio.

“I’m sorry about not being in the wedding, Kris. I’m just not getting over this sickness.”

“I can understand. Are you taking that tea Sully told you about?”

“Yep, everyday. It helps a little with the nausea, but not much,” Morgan said.

“So, Kevin knows all about your past health problems now?” Kris asked.

“Yep, I told him when we got home last month. He talked to the doctor for an hour the next day, finding out what I can and can not do! I’m to have as much ‘bed rest’ as possible, can’t lift anything too heavy, I’m only allowed to walk around the house and can’t go outside unless someone’s with me! I feel trapped in my own home, Kris! It’s driving me crazy!”

Kris laughed and Tessa giggled from the doorway causing the two friends to look up. “Wow, Tessa! I think the dress looks much better on you! Come here, Hon, let me see what needs to be done,” Morgan said as she sat up on the couch.

Tessa walked over so that Morgan could take a closer look at the hemline. “Ok, stand on your tiptoes, like if you’re standing in heels. Good. I think maybe just half an inch will do, what do you think, Kris?” Morgan asked.

“I agree; you don’t want to take too much up. Tessa, you’re gonna knock Nick right off his feet when he sees you in this dress!” Kris predicted. The three girls laughed, just imagining what Nick’s face would look like when he saw Tessa in the dress.

Two weeks later, Howie and Kris were married.

True to Kris’s prediction, the look on Nick’s face was priceless when he saw Tessa walk down the aisle instead of Morgan. Her shoulder-length brown hair was pulled back in a French Twist, with a few curls framing her face. The dress was dark green satin, ankle-length with a slit to the knee. He smiled to himself, knowing how much he loved her and just hoped that no one had spoiled the surprise he had planned for her at the reception.

At the reception, Nick, as Best man, stood up and gave a toast to the newlyweds. The others also stood and gave their toasts and congratulations as well.

Later, the girls were talking to a small group of their friends that had come from New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The friends hadn’t seen each other in almost a year, so they were all excitedly catching up with the news of Morgan’s ‘secret wedding’ and pregnancy. When they heard Nick call for everyone’s attention, they looked in the direction of the stage where the band was, and saw all five Boys on stage, Kevin at the piano.

“Excuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen, can we get ya’lls attention please?” When Nick saw that he had most of everybody’s attention, he continued. “Me and the guys decided that we wanted to share this new song with ya’ll before anyone else got to hear it. As you all know, we have a new album coming out soon, with all our greatest singles. We decided to add a new song onto it, and we’d like to share that tonight. We would like to dedicate it to our wonderful girls. Girls, could you please come forward?”

One of the band members walked over and put a chair down in front of the stage so Morgan could stay seated.

“Ok, Kev, we’re ready,” Nick said, stepping back from the microphone. Kevin began to play the piano as Brian began to sing.

Don't pretend you're sorry I know you're not You know you got the power To make me weak inside Girl, you leave me breathless But it's okay Cause you are my survival Now hear me say...

I can't imagine life without your love And even forever don't seem like long enough

Every time I breathe I take you in My heart beats again Baby, I can't help it Keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I'm swept away by love Baby, I can't help it Keep me drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter Maybe not 'Cause I have known the safety of Floating freely in your arms I don't need another lifeline It's not for me 'Cause only you can save me Oh, can't you see

I can't imagine life without your love And even forever don't seem like long enough (Don't seem like long enough, yeah)

Go on and pull me under Cover me with dreams, yeah Love me mouth-to-mouth now You know I can't resist 'Cause you're the air that I breathe

Every time I breathe I take you in My heart beats again Baby, I can't help it Keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I'm swept away by love Baby, I can't help it Keep me drowning in your love

As the song ended, Nick walked over to Tessa and knelt down on one knee in front of her. “Tessa, I love you. Will you marry me?” he asked quietly. As he showed her the small diamond ring, she knew that in her heart she would never be able to deny him anything. She smiled through her tears, nodding her head ‘yes’.