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Chapter 27

Shortly before Christmas, they had a bad scare. Morgan had been taking a shower when a very sharp pain hit and she had fallen. Kevin had gotten her out of the shower and into her robe and called 911. She had been rushed to the hospital with labor pains but luckily the doctor had been able to stop the early labor. Morgan was admitted for observation for three days and told to have complete bed rest at home for the remainder of the pregnancy.

Ann had come to Florida immediately after Kevin called her to let her know what had happened and she had come prepared. She informed her son and daughter-in-law that she would be staying with them until after her granddaughter was born and she was certain that Morgan would be ok. “Besides, I’ve been thinking about moving closer to you anyway. I can help Morgan out while you and the Boys are in the studio or on the road,” she explained.

“I never said you couldn’t stay, Mom. I’m sure Morgan will appreciate your help as well as your company. With Tessa and Nick moving to Tampa, we are selling the shop. There’s no way Morgan can run it now and she won’t have time after Bridget’s born.” At the look on his mother’s face, he explained further, “It was her idea to sell it, Mom, not mine.”

“Ok, son. As long as she’s not being forced to give up her shop. I know how much she enjoyed having that little bit of independence.”

In early February, Kevin was at the studio with the rest of the guys, listening to the playback of one of the two new songs they had been working on all day. It was past five p.m. and they had been in the studio since 8 that morning. He was frustrated with one of the piano parts and was getting angrier by the minute.

“No, AJ, it doesn’t sound right! I’m not gonna leave it sounding like it is! It sounds like shit! WHAT?” he yelled at the man who opened the door to the booth.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Richardson, but there is an important phone call for you holding on line 2,” the man said and quickly left the room to avoid the anger of the young man.

Kevin took a deep, calming breath, then answered the phone. “This is Kevin.”

“Kev, sweetie, I don’t want to alarm you…” That was as far as his mother got before he panicked.

“Mom, is Morgan ok?”

“She’s fine, honey. But she told me to call you so you could at least be here to witness the birth of your daughter.”

“When did she go into labor?”

“Don’t get too excited, Kevin. The doctor is very concerned about both of them. Just hurry.”

“Tell her I’m on my way and that I love her very much.” Before his mother could answer, he hung up the phone and was out the door heading to his car before AJ could catch up to him.

“Train! What’s wrong? Is it Morgan?”

“Yeah, she’s in labor and the doctor’s worried. I gotta get to them. Tell the others, ok?” Kevin explained as he got in his car and sped off.

Despite traffic, Kevin got to the hospital within half an hour. His mother met him outside and they walked into the hospital together, Ann explaining as they walked.

“She’s scared, Kevin. The doctor has given her something to relax and has her on oxygen and a few monitors.”

They got out of the elevator and Kevin followed his mother to Morgan’s room. “Mom, could you wait for the others? I kinda left them behind.”

“Sure, sweetie. You just go to your wife.”

Tessa looked up when Kevin walked in, then leaned over and whispered to Morgan, “Morgan, Kev’s here. I’m gonna go wait for Nick, ok?”

“Ok, thanks,” Morgan said. She then looked at her husband with a tired smile.

Kevin walked over to her and saw the fear in her eyes. He sat on the bed and held her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, crying. “Kev, I’m so scared! I hate hospitals! I want to go home!”

“Sweetheart, I know you’re scared, but we just have to be strong and have faith that this will be ok.” He held her, rocking her slightly, trying to calm her.

A few minutes later, the doctor came in and spoke to both of them. She explained that Morgan was far enough along that they could go ahead and do a c-section. That way, it was certain that both mother and child would be safe. Morgan was too weak to give birth naturally.

“If you choose that option, we need to go ahead and prepare you for the surgery, Mrs. Richardson,” the doctor said.

“This is the second scare in two months; I don’t want any more,” Morgan said, looking up at Kevin. Morgan then said, “Ok, let’s do the surgery.”

“I’ll make the necessary arrangements,” the doctor said as she walked out of the room, leaving the young couple to prepare themselves for this new problem.