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Chapter 28

When the doctor left the room, Ann walked into the room to find out what was going on.

Ten minutes later, she walked back out into the hall and told the rest of the group what was happening. They had enough time to go in and see her briefly before the doctor came back and made them leave the room again.

Within twenty minutes, they rolled a semi-conscious Morgan out of the room towards the operating room.

Ten minutes after they arrived in the operating room, the doctor looked at Kevin over the drape and smiled. “Dad, I hope you and Mom have a beautiful name for a beautiful daughter.”

“Yeah, we do,” he said.

“Good. When we get her clean and checked out, you can hold your daughter.”

Morgan was taken back to her room to recover and Kevin followed close behind holding their daughter. He couldn’t stop looking at his little girl; she was perfect. The small amount of hair she had was jet black like her mother’s, but she had her father’s green eyes.

He walked over and sat on the bed next to Morgan. “Morgan, she’s beautiful,” he said as he placed Bridget in Morgan’s arms, putting one arm under the baby and his other arm around his wife. Ann, Tessa, Kris and the rest of the Boys came in to get their first look at their ‘niece’. They hugged Morgan carefully and each got to hold Bridget for a short time before they left, giving Morgan time to recover.

After the ‘family’ left, Morgan and Kevin still held Bridget. Morgan’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at their sleeping daughter. “Oh, Kevin, I was so scared I would lose her.”

“We didn’t lose her, sweetheart; we have her here, safe and healthy. The doctor said that despite being early, she’s healthy and we’ll be able to take her home in a few days,” Kevin told her, kissing the top of Morgan’s head.

An hour later, Kevin took Bridget back to the nursery while Morgan slept. His mother walked with him and they talked quietly. “So is this going to effect anything with the album?” Ann asked.

“No, not with the album. I doubt that it will effect the tour, either. The first part of the tour is only for two weeks, mainly promo stuff. Besides, Morgan has been given instructions to stay as quiet as possible for at least eight weeks. Are you sure you don’t mind staying at the house to help her with Bridget?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, son. I’m just glad that both are healthy. Now I believe you’re gonna have to hand your little girl over to the nurse, so she can get some rest.”

Kevin reluctantly handed over his sleeping daughter and then he and his mother walked back to Morgan’s room.