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Chapter 29

Three days later, Kevin and Morgan were able to take Bridget home.

Ann, Denise and the rest of the group surprised them with a shout of ‘Welcome Home!’ as they stepped through the front door.

“What’s this?” Kevin asked laughing as they walked into the living room.

“Well, you have all been so busy with the new album, that we didn’t have time to give you a baby shower!” Tessa said as she came to take Bridget from her Daddy. “Come to Aunt Tessa, sweetie!”

Kevin led Morgan over to the couch and they both sat down, glad to relax after the long drive from the hospital.

“It feels so good to relax! No more traffic until tomorrow, please!” Kevin said, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

“Traffic was that bad, Kev?” Howie asked.

“Yep. It was just backed up along the Expressway; I even checked the traffic report to find out if there was a wreck or something. I guess people just have nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon than go 55 on the Expressway! And I was nervous enough driving with Bridget in the car for the first time.” “But ye did verra well, love. At least ye dinna lose your temper,” Morgan said with a smile, placing her hand on his leg.

Kevin placed his hand over hers, then brought it up to his lips, kissing her hand gently. “True, but it was the idiots driving weird that had me worried. We drive an S.U.V. All that’s gonna happen if we get hit is I’m gonna be pissed off!”

“Well, stop worrying and start opening your gifts!” Nick said, tossing a gift to Kevin, then took Bridget from Tessa. “Come to Uncle Nicky, Bridget.”

By 7:30 that evening, all the gifts had been opened and put in the nursery upstairs and everyone had gone home. Morgan fed Bridget, then put her down in her new crib.

Kevin walked in and put his arms carefully around Morgan’s waist. He looked at his little girl over his wife’s shoulder, saying, “I still can’t believe we have her at home, sweetheart. I’m just so very grateful that I have you both home and safe,” he said as he placed a gentle kiss on Morgan’s shoulder. “Me too, Kev. But I’m tired; I want to go to bed, in my own bed and feel your arms around me.”

“That I can arrange, sweetheart,” he said as they walked to their bedroom.