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Epilogue – 17 years later

It was a big night for Bridget: she had graduated high school! She and her boyfriend Eric had stayed behind at the school to say goodbye to their friends and were walking up the sidewalk to the front door.

Kevin & Morgan had decided to throw a surprise party for her with the entire ‘family’ present. With 27 people present, though, it was a trick to hide all the cars without Bridget guessing anything!

“I hope Eric didn’t ruin the surprise, Daddy,” 10-year old Maggie said. Maggie was the worrier while her twin sister was always carefree, seemingly without a care in the world, just like her mother.

“I’m sure he didn’t ruin it, Maggie. Now go tell the others that they’re here, ok?” he said.

“Ok!” she said, happily running into the living room to let the family know that Bridget was home!

As soon as Bridget walked in the door, the entire family surprised her: all 27 members! Her parents & 10-year old twin sisters; AJ, Brianna & their 3 youngest kids; Kylie, her husband & 2-year old son; Brian & Leighanne with their 2 kids; Howie & Kris with their 15-year old twin sons; Nick & Tessa with their 10-year old daughter; Ann & Denise were there also.

“SURPRISE!” they yelled, the children running up to her for hugs.

“And the final gift, sweetheart,” Kevin said, as he handed her an envelope then stepped back and put his arm around Morgan.

Bridget opened the envelope & pulled out the letter, reading it quickly.

Her eyes lit up and she squealed in delight, throwing her arms around her father’s neck. “I got in, Daddy! I got into Florida State!”

Bridget had helped her parents and her Uncle Nick for several years with their environmental charities JWR & Oceans, and had applied to several universities that offered Marine Biology majors. The experience she gained from the summers in the Florida Keys with Nick & Tessa and helping her father with charity functions helped her get accepted to her first choice.

“At least you’ll still be close to home, Hon,” Morgan said, hugging her daughter.

“I know, Mom! I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

“Ok, everybody – gather around! I want a picture!” Ann said, handing the camera to Eric, then joined the rest of the family.