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Chapter 3

When the new local band started at 9 p.m., Kris, never without her camera bag close to hand, took a few photos from the balcony. When she said she was going downstairs to get some better close-ups, Howie decided to brave the crowd and went with her.

Ten minutes later, they were back at the table. Morgan & Kris looked at each other saying, “THEY SUCK!” at the same time. It surprised the Boys so much, they all burst out laughing.

“Why don’t we all go somewhere else?” Brian asked.

“Any good dance clubs close by?” Nick asked.

“Yeah. There’s a few that we go to sometimes,” Morgan said.

“Then it’s settled; we are outta here,” Kevin said, grabbing Morgan’s hand, urging her out of her chair.

As they walked out of the House of Blues and towards the waiting limo, Kevin put his arm around Morgan’s shoulders and smiled when he felt her arm around his waist. He didn’t know what it was about this young woman; she made him feel comfortable & more relaxed than he had been in the months since his divorce. He had to know more about her and especially why her smiles never reached her beautiful blue eyes.