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Chapter 4

One hour & three clubs later, the limo pulled up to the front door of ‘The Dungeon’. The other clubs had been too crowded or the line too long to get in! Kris & Morgan had decided to take them to this one, since they knew they could get in no matter what! The club was down a side street, off of Bourbon Street, but was a very popular nightspot. The line out front tonight was outrageous; they had never seen it this bad!

“How the hell are we gonna get in there? Look at that line! The line wraps around the corner!” Nick said.

“Don’t worry about it, Nick,” Kris assured him, patting his cheek. “My cousin owns this place, so we get in anytime we want!”

As Kris & Morgan, along with the Boys, climbed out of the limo, the doorman opened the front door for them. “Good evening, Ladies! Gentlemen, welcome to ‘The Dungeon’!”

“Good evening, Joey,” both girls said in unison, smiling at the big man and leading the guys into the gothic-looking club.

AJ, Brian & Nick went straight to the dance floor in search of dance partners; Kris dragged Howie out to the dance floor, but it took a little more convincing on Kevin’s part to get Morgan out to dance, though.

“I thought you said the two of you come here often?” Kevin teased, speaking close to Morgan’s ear.

She looked up at him, “We do; I just don’t dance very often! She’s just more outgoing than I am, I guess,” she explained with a smile & small shrug of her shoulders.

“Well, if I asked, would you dance with me?” Seeing the intense look in his eyes, she knew she couldn’t refuse him.

“Are you asking me, Mr. Richardson?”

“I’m asking, Ms. Wolf,” he answered, offering his hand to her.

Upon reaching the dance floor, he immediately pulled her to him, his arm holding her against him. Several minutes later, he almost regretted holding her so close. Her movement to the dark, sensual music, along with a combination of several drinks, was causing him to become very aroused. He tightened his hold slightly and was surprised when his gaze met her blue, passion-filled eyes.

Morgan loved to dance, she just had to have the right incentive – whether a good dance partner or a few glasses of wine – to get out on the dance floor with other people. In this case, both incentives were present. When Kevin pulled her close, she closed her eyes & the rest of the world disappeared; all that existed was the feel of his arm & the sound of the sensual music enveloping her. A few moments later, she felt his arm tighten around her. She opened her eyes, looking up into dark green eyes, full of passion, just as Kevin’s lips touched hers in a gentle, tentative kiss.