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Ch 7 – New Orleans Superdome

Kevin couldn’t remember when he was this nervous before a show. ‘At least it’s the last night, then we get a nice vacation!’ he thought. He smiled at the thought that he would be spending that time with Morgan; he had asked her over a couple of Big Macs if she would go to Florida for a small vacation and she had agreed.

But first he had to get through this show.

Morgan, Kris & Tessa had been given front row center seats & VIP passes to get backstage. They were taken backstage immediately after the last song & all three girls were waiting for the Boys as they came offstage. Nick was treated to a big hug from Tessa while Howie & Kevin were treated to kisses, as well as hugs.

“We only have a few minutes, Baby; we have to do a meet & greet. Just wait for us in the dressing room; we shouldn’t be long,” Howie told Kris, kissing her.

Morgan received the same statement from Kevin as well as a kiss & a smile. “Promise?” she asked.

“Promise, Baby!” he smiled, kissing her again, then turned and walked with Howie & the others to the room full of screaming fans.

“How can you deal with it?” Morgan asked Kris, as she fell onto the couch in the dressing room.

“How do I deal with what? The screaming girls that are in complete lust with my boyfriend? I know that the fans are what keep them on top! Howie & I trust each other; that is what keeps me sane. You better get used to it, my girl, if you want to be with Kevin! Besides, I knew it would work out with the two of you!” Kris giggled.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, PLEASE! Like no one saw the two of you last night! His arms were wrapped so tight around you at the club, I don’t know how you could breath! And what about that disappearing act you two pulled this afternoon? Do you realize that you two were ‘talking’ for over 30 minutes? Also, not to mention that your hair was up when you two ‘went for a talk’, and it was down & just a little on the wild side when you came back!”

“Kevin’s hair was a little on the messy side, too. WHAT?” Tessa asked, when Morgan fixed her blue gaze on her. “I’m sorry; you taught me to be observant, I can’t help it!” she laughed.

“I didn’t realize we had been gone that long! And I’m pleased to know you’ve learned something from me!” Morgan commented to Tessa. “I’ve noticed that you & Nick have become good friends?”

“Yeah, kinda sorta,” Tessa said, blushing.

“Ok, Tessa. Since we are probably going to be in here waiting for a while, and you mentioned ‘teaching’, why don’t you tell me what you’ve learned from me in the past year that I’ve been teaching you. Begin with The Crede, if you please.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Tessa answered, and for the next 45 minutes, proceeded to recite her lessons from memory.