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Chapter 8

As Tessa finished up her recitation, the Boys walked in; the girls laughed and said they would wait out in the hall for them to change. Ten minutes later, they were all being escorted out to a black van with tinted windows that was waiting to take them back to the hotel.

As they all got out of the van, a combination of their personal bodyguards & hotel security formed a tight circle around them.

“Whoa! What’s going on?” Kevin asked his bodyguard.

“Sorry, Mr. Richardson. But information that you all were staying here got leaked out & there’s a large mob of screaming fans in the lobby. We need to get all of you safely to your floor without mishap,” said one of the hotel security officers.

“Oh, great! As long as it’s not like Brazil, we’ll be ok!” Nick said, holding tightly to Tessa.

As the door opened, the noise engulfed them. Extra security officers had been brought in from two other hotels to help control the mob.

The Boys shielded their girls from view, while the tight circle of security shielded the Boys. They made it safely to the elevators; some of the extra security officers blocking access to the elevators.

Nick pushed several buttons so that the elevators would stop at random floors, ‘to fool anyone about which floor they were on’. They all went to Howie’s suite, collapsing on the sofa & chairs.

“Well, that was exciting! What do you guys do for fun?” Tessa asked sarcastically, causing everyone to laugh as they finally relaxed.

“What’s even more ‘fun’, is when there isn’t much security & we have to make a run for it; or worse, like it was in Brazil!” Nick explained as he wrapped his arms around Tessa.

“Nothing like pulling up to a hotel, with thousands of screaming fans surrounding the bus – and the damn door on the bus is on the wrong side! Remind me NEVER to do that again! That was too damn scary!” AJ said. “But, if you all will excuse me, I have a couple phone calls to make! See ya’ll in the morning!” He then got up & walked to his room down the hall, to make his phone calls.

Nick & Tessa walked out to the balcony for a few minutes of fresh air & a little privacy; Brian & Leighanne said their good-byes, saying that they would see everyone soon at Thanksgiving. As Howie, Kris, Morgan & Kevin were discussing what to do the next day, Tessa & Nick walked back into the room. Nick stood a few feet away as Tessa leaned down & whispered into Morgan’s ear. Morgan looked up at Tessa, said something quietly to her, smiling. Tessa smiled in return then walked back to Nick, putting her hand in his. Then after saying goodnight, they walked out of the room.

“What just happened here?” Howie asked, a confused look on his face.

“And what did you just say to her? I couldn’t understand a word you said,” Kevin said.

“She asked if I would be upset with her if she spent the night with Nick,” Morgan explained. At Kevin’s slight frown, she said, “I told her I wouldn’t be upset; it’s her choice. As to HOW I said it, it’s Gaelic. She & I speak it fluently. I can teach you if you’d like,” she said with a smile.

“Sounds like an interesting proposition,” Kevin said. “How about we start those lessons tonight?” he asked, kissing her gently.

“Then why don’t we go elsewhere?” she suggested.

“You’re right.” He stood up from the couch, pulling her up to him. “See ya’ll at breakfast, guys,” he said as he led Morgan out into the hall.

“Ok, I repeat: What just happened here?” Howie asked as the door closed behind Morgan & Kevin. Kris shut him up quickly by pulling him to her, kissing him deeply.