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Chapter 9

Kevin and Alex took the two girls back home the next day. Alex helped Angel clean the townhouse as Kevin helped Sammie with the shop.

“Who did this, Kevin? And why?” Sammie asked him as they looked around at the damage. The good thing is that none of the weapons were damaged beyond repair.

“Remember what I told you last night? But there is one problem; the creatures who did this aren’t like Alex and me. They aren’t ‘human’, Sammie,” he tried to explain.

She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. “So, what are they?”

“Vampires,” he said simply.

“I see.” She walked behind the counter towards her office. When he had made his way through the rubble and walked into her office, he saw her standing on a chair, reaching into a small cubbyhole in the top of a closet. He walked over to her and put his hands on her hips to help her keep her balance as she reached further.

“I knew I shouldn’t have put that damn thing up here. You would think I would want to keep it closer to me,” she laughed. “Got it!” she giggled as she brought out a silver scabbard.

Kevin caught her in his arms as she moved slightly and lost her balance, then placed her feet on the floor.

“I haven’t used it in almost a year and a half; I was always at home trying to be the ‘perfect mom and girlfriend’. I stopped practicing with my swords and I stopped using my ‘gifts’ while with him. I’ll never give them up for anyone again,” she said. She smiled up at him as she handed him her sword, “You think I can use this to protect myself well enough from the vampires?”

He took the scabbard gently in his hands, then pulled the long sword out. It was completely silver with intricate runes and designs on the blade. The handle was also pure silver, wrapped with well-worn leather, with an onyx on the end. “How old…” he began before she cut him off.

“It has been passed down to all the women in my family for centuries. It was forged in ancient Ireland, around 400 B.C. It is my heritage, and I have taken care of it since my mother gave it to me at the age of 14,” she told him. “I would like to begin training again, Kevin. Will you help me?”

“It would be an honor, m’lady,” he smiled, bowing to her and handing her sword to her. “Let us clean this mess as best we can, then, we can begin your training this afternoon.”

It didn’t take much for Kevin and Alex to convince the girls it would be safer for them at the plantation home outside of town. Sammie put the townhouse up for sale and temporarily closed the shop for ‘remodeling’.

Sammie made a quick phone call to Margaret to let her know that she was moving in with some friends, away from the memories of the townhouse. She also spoke quickly to Logan before he went to the movies with a friend.

That afternoon, as promised, Kevin and Sammie began her training once again. She quickly realized she hadn’t lost her strength or stamina and was giving Kevin a run for his money. She didn’t give him much choice but to defend himself and still try to stay standing.

He thought he was lucky when he was finally able to take a swing and make her defend herself for a change. He was completely taken off-guard as she blocked his sword, dropped quickly and neatly swiped his feet from under him. He fell on his back and was just quick enough to block her sword as the tip reached his throat.

“And you expect me to believe that you haven’t touched that sword in over a year?” he smiled up at her, panting, trying to catch his breath. He saw her eyes shining with delight.

“It’s the truth, I promise,” she said, as she began to catch her breath. She resheathed her sword and held her hand out to help him up.

“I believe you, Sammie. You are a natural swordswoman; very rare, indeed,” he said, standing and resheathing his sword. “But, I believe that is enough for one day. Why don’t we go inside and get dinner?” he asked, offering his arm to her.

“Sounds good to me.”

They walked inside, arm in arm, laughing.