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Chapter 12

‘Wake up, my child,’ a soft voice said in her mind.

She knew that voice; a voice she hadn’t heard since her mother’s death: Terra, her guardian dragon. She knew she had to obey; her mother had told her never to disobey her guardian or she would take away her gifts and strength.

Sammie opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She could tell by the dimness and angle of the light that it was near sunset. “Where are we?”

“We,” Angel said, tears falling down her cheeks, “are in a cage! I’m just so glad you’re awake, now. Now I’m not completely alone!” she said throwing her arms around Sammie as she sat up.

Sammie started to put her arms around her friend then realized her wrists were bound. She almost panicked, but was able to calm herself quickly. “Whoever has us here, knows about me. I’m bound magically, Angel; I can’t use my magic with my hands bound.”

“You are so very right, my dear girl. But it is not you I am really after, even though I may keep you around for a while.” A tall dark-haired Italian man came forward, keeping in the dim shadows away from the fading light.

“Who are you? Why are you doing this to us?” Sammie demanded.

“I am Santino, but it doesn’t really matter who I am; I just wanted you here to draw Ravenwolf to me. My son,” he indicated Edward standing next to him, “on the other hand, tells me the two of you have a score to settle? I would love to see you prove yourself against real vampires. I have heard so much about your training from my spies.” He moved his hand slightly and Sammie felt the bond on her wrists disappear.

“Give me a sword, and I will show you what I think of that little score,” Sammie hissed.

Angel grabbed her hand as she stood up. “What are you doing? Edward will kill you!”

Sammie turned and looked at her friend. “I don’t think so,” she said quietly. Angel gasped when she saw Sammie’s eyes flash a vivid green.

Sammie touched Angel’s cheek gently, speaking low in Gaelic. “Sleep, child; when you wake, this will all be over.” She saw Angel’s eyes flutter closed and she fell back onto the floor of their cell, sound asleep.

Sammie stepped out of the cell and one of Santino’s men gave her a sword, then brought it up to block the downward stroke of Edward’s sword.

Edward was certain it would be an easy kill; the woman had been unconscious since he left the plantation house. She wasn’t supposed to be that quick. He stepped back quickly when he saw the flash of her small fangs and heard her laugh low in her throat after blocking his sword.

“You are so naïve, young one! You are pathetic! Did you honestly think you could best me, Edward? I have the blood of the ancient Celtic Amazons in my veins; you will NOT win against me! Now leave my presence.” She moved quickly, thrusting the sword into Edward’s gut. As he fell to his knees, clutching his gut, she made another quick movement, sending him flying through the air. He screamed as his body landed in a small patch of sunlight and immediately burst into flames.

She then turned to Santino. “You have had your demonstration; are you impressed?” she asked, her sword at her side.

Santino applauded softly, “Bravo, dear girl, bravo! Very impressive; but he was just a child; merely 10 years old. How about you try me?”

He was almost too quick for her, but she was able to block his strike. A few minutes later, he drew first blood; the sword tip cut her upper arm. It burned horribly and she and Terra both screamed in anger and pain.