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Chapter 13

When the men arrived at the warehouse, they heard the unmistakable sound of a swordfight, then an unearthly scream.

Kevin was thankful that Nickolas had called a few of his friends to help them out. It turned out that these friends also had scores to settle with Santino’s men. They were set upon almost immediately as they stepped out of their cars.

As Nickolas and his friends fought the men outside, Kevin and Alex made their way inside the warehouse. What they saw sent a cold shiver through them.

Sammie was fighting Santino. She was wearing the black tank top and cut-off shorts that she had worn to bed the night before, barefoot and her hair loose around her shoulders, a long bloody scratch down her arm and another on her cheek. What stopped the two men in their tracks was the faint image of a very large dragon, wings and front legs outstretched. The same cold stare that the dragon had was also in Sammie’s eyes.

‘Help her, Ravenwolf! I cannot continue this way,’ Kevin heard the voice clearly in his head and looked up, seeing the dragon begin to fade.

He joined Sammie in her assault. “You will not live to feed another night, Santino!”

Santino laughed acidly, “You are a fool, Ravenwolf! Bitch, be gone from me!” Santino moved his hand quickly, sending Sammie through the air screaming and crashing into Alex.

“You bastard!” Kevin hissed, renewing his attack on Santino.

The fight continued for what seemed like hours to Kevin. His arms were tiring, and any time Nickolas, Sammie or Alex got near Santino, they were always thrown back.

Then he heard a door open and the sound of running feet as a few of Santino’s men ran in and the sound of swords crashing against each other.

A few minutes later he heard Sammie scream; then Alex and Nickolas scream, ‘NO!’

“You bastard! You are not taking her from me!” Kevin yelled, driving the sword into Santino’s gut. As Santino fell to his knees, Kevin took one final swipe and severed the ancient vampire’s head from his shoulders.

Kevin dropped his sword and ran to Sammie, catching her in his arms and fell to his knees. “Oh, Gods! No! Don’t leave me, Samantha! Please, don’t leave me! It wasn’t supposed to be this soon!”

“I love you, Kevin, forever,” she whispered as her eyes closed.

“Kevin, it’s over; she’s gone,” Nickolas said. “But we have to get out of here. We can’t stay here that long.”

Kevin bent to whisper in her ear, “Come back to me, Samantha. Our forever can’t be this soon. You have a son, sweetheart. He’ll need you; I need you.” He gently stroked her face as his tears fell.

Alex picked up Kevin’s sword, then went to the cage and picked up Angel, carrying her out of the warehouse, followed closely by Kevin carrying Sammie’s limp body. Nickolas ignited the warehouse before running and jumping into the driver seat of Kevin’s Expedition as his friends all sped off in different directions.

As Nickolas sped out of the district and towards the Old River Road, he told them the news. He had found VooDoo and was able to get him to the safety of one of the cars. “He’s gonna heal then catch up with us. He said he and Sammie will be able to fix our weapons, then.”

“That’s great! As long as he’s alright, then we haven’t much to worry about. Let’s just get home as quickly as possible. It may be hours before Sammie rises, but it could also be at any moment. She is a lot stronger than you can ever imagine,” Alex explained.