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Chapter 14

“Nickolas, keep Logan away! He doesn’t need to see her like this!” Kevin ordered. He gathered Sammie against him and carried her up to her room. He placed her on the bed, but refused to leave the room.

“Sammie, baby, please come back to us. Don’t make me tell your son about this.” He knelt beside the bed and broke down, letting the tears fall freely. What if the exchange didn’t work? How would he be able to tell Angel and Logan?

Around 9 p.m. Sammie woke.

Kevin was startled when he heard her gasp.


“Kevin!” she gasped, throwing her arms around his neck. She looked down and saw the blood on her clothes and remembered what had happened in the warehouse.

“You came back, Sammie. Oh, thank the goddess, the exchange worked!” He ran his hand through her hair as she leaned against him.

They held each other for a few moments more before she moved away from him. “Let me take a shower and change clothes. I need to see my son, Kevin. But I don’t want him to see me like this.”

While Sammie took her shower, Kevin found clean sheets and got rid of the bloody sheets.

When she got out of the shower, she saw Logan sitting on the bed, talking to Kevin.

Logan turned and then ran to his mother. “Momma! You’re safe! Kevin promised me you would be!”

She hugged her son close to her and looked at Kevin with tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

Kevin stood and walked over to them, putting his arms around both of them. He then kissed Sammie’s forehead. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me, my love,” he whispered in Gaelic.

It was close to 11 p.m. when Sammie made her way carefully down the stairs. She sensed all three men like never before. They sensed her as well and all three men turned to her as she walked into the living room, each embracing her in a warm hug. When she moved into Kevin’s arms, he refused to let her go.

“How is Angel?” She asked Alex.

“Still sleeping. Was that your work, or Santino’s?” Alex asked, worried.

“Mine. She will sleep until the morning. How am I going to explain to her what happened to me? How do I tell Logan?”

“Logan must not know. He is too young to understand the danger he could put you, as well as us, in by telling the wrong person. Angel might be able to deal with it. She accepted it when we explained what we were when we all first met,” Alex told her.

“True. Maybe she will be able to accept it better if I told her while she sleeps. I’ll be right back, Kevin.” She placed a quick kiss on his lips and he reluctantly let her go.

She knelt by Angel’s bed and bent low to her ear.

“Angel, I have something very important to tell you. I’m very glad you didn’t witness what happened.” She went on to explain what had happened and told her that one of the vampires had succeeded in taking her down. “But, I’m still here, dear. I’m like Kevin. I don’t know what will happen now, though, but I’m sure we will figure it all out.” She kissed her friend’s forehead. “Sweet dreams, Angel. We will talk more in the morning.” She then stood and walked out, closing the door quietly.

Kevin met her in the hallway. She walked to him, putting her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and bent his lips to her neck.

“Now I understand why my mother told me that I was the last of the family to use the sword; I would never be able to pass it on to anyone else.” She reached back and took one of his hands in hers as she moved away slightly. “Come with me,” she said quietly, leading him to her room.

He followed her without hesitation, closing the door quietly. There were no words spoken, nor were they even needed. Each knew instinctively what the other wanted and needed.

They made love several times during the night, finally falling into a deep sleep shortly before dawn.