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Chapter 16- Twenty years later

Logan had been devastated when he had received the phone call from the Coast Guard telling him about the explosion on the boat. What hurt even more was the fact that his parents’ bodies had never been found.

Now the only family he had left was his Aunt Angel, his wife Kathleen and their new twins, born three days after his parents’ deaths. Kathleen had gone into labor just as Kevin’s casket had been placed in the crypt.

He knelt beside the family crypt where there were now four empty caskets: his Uncles Alex and Nickolas and now his mother’s and Kevin’s. Just as with his parents’ accident, his uncles’ bodies had never been found in the rubble of the accidents that had taken their lives.

“I hope you found death quickly. I just pray that you didn’t suffer! I wish you were here to see your new grandchildren; they were born yesterday, right after the funeral. We decided to name them after the two of you and grandma and my real father: Samantha Maria and Kevin Mitchell,” he sobbed as Angel put her arms around the tall 26-year-old.

“They know how much we will miss them, sweetheart. But you have your wife and children to think about now. Come on, we will help each other through this one more time,” Angel said as she led Logan to the waiting limo. “Let’s get him home, Carl.”

The driver bowed slightly as they got in the car. “Yes, Mrs. McLean.” He closed the door carefully and then got behind the wheel and drove away from Cemetery No.1, heading towards the Old River Road.

From behind one of the crypts, Kevin held Sammie close to him as she cried quietly. Alex and Nickolas stood close to her also, lending her their comfort as well.

“I hated to do it, Kevin. But there were too many questions that I couldn’t answer anymore!”

“I know, my love. It’ll be even harder when Angel leaves him. Unfortunately, it’ll be one more empty casket for him to mourn over,” Kevin said.

“We have a while before that needs to happen, Kevin. My wife is being very clever. She streaks her hair every so often and is beginning to lighten it. She just told Logan that it runs in her family for the women to age very gracefully. He seems to accept that, but he may start to question it in a few years. Til then, she and I are very patient and very careful,” Alex explained to his friends.

They knew that Alex had made an exchange with Angel two years after Kevin and Sammie had married. A year after that, Angel and Sammie had been in a bad car accident. Angel had been thrown from the car, against a very old pine tree, hitting the back of head and breaking her back. Sammie had woken first and had been there when Angel woke. Together they convinced the paramedics and police that had arrived that they had both miraculously been thrown from the car with only a few scratches and bruises.

Kevin spoke, bringing Sammie back to the present, “Just be thankful that we were able to put this off til after our son got married. But you knew we had to do this before the twins were born. You know I made certain that they are all taken care of. They have a good portion of my fortune and they have your sword shop. We will always know where they are and what they are doing. I promised you that and I have never once broken my promises to you. But it’s time to go now, Darling. Angel will send us news soon.” He put his arm around his wife’s waist as they followed Alex and Nickolas through the cemetery to the car that was waiting to take them to the airport.

As Nickolas got behind the wheel, he turned and looked at his friends, smiling. “You think London is ready for us?”

“I hope so, because I’m ready for London,” Sammie said, wiping the last of her tears away. “Let’s go, Nickolas. We don’t want to miss our flight.”

“Yes, m’lady; as you wish!” Nickolas laughed as he started the car and headed towards the airport.