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Chapter 2

She sent Logan to visit Margaret in North Carolina for that summer. He had decided he wanted to go to a baseball camp there and see one of his friends that had moved several months earlier. She and Margaret decided it would be best for Logan to get away for a little while and it would give Sammie the freedom she hadn’t had in over six years.

(Six years earlier)

Sammie and her high school sweetheart, Mitch, had graduated high school and gotten married two weeks later; almost 9 months to the day, Logan had been born. They had been happy and just bought a townhouse in the French Quarter. Two days after Logan’s first birthday, Mitch had been an unfortunate innocent bystander at a gas station during an armed robbery; he had walked in, unaware of what was happening. The gunman turned and fired once, killing Mitch almost instantly. Sammie was left to raise their son without his father and no family to turn to. Her mother had died shortly after she and Mitch married and her father had moved to England, rarely acknowledging her existence; the rest of her family just lived too far away. Her best friend Angel had moved in as a roommate to help her out with bills and Logan.

She got a job working in an armory shop. She learned the different types of swords, even became skilled with the long and short swords, quarterstaff and crossbow. In six months, Daniel saw the great potential of this tall, young woman and offered to make her full-time manager and co-owner of the business. His reason for this, he explained, was he was getting older, and he wanted to take more time off so that he and his wife could travel more.

“You know the business, Sammie. I have complete trust in you. You have become like a daughter to us; that is why I am offering you the co-ownership of this shop,” they told her over dinner one night. Sammie ate at their apartment at least once a week, to talk about new business clients and orders for the month.

“You two are serious, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, Samantha, we are, dear,” Liz said. Liz was the only person that ever called her by her full name. “We just have the shop as a hobby, we don’t really need it; but you do. You have yourself and Logan to take care of. Just think about it, honey,” Liz smiled as she got up to remove the dishes from the table.

Two days later, Sammie officially took over as manager of Ancient Memories Armory and Clothing. Six years later, Daniel and Liz gave her the shop as a gift.