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Chapter 4- Thursday

p>At 3:30 on Thursday afternoon, Kevin walked into Ancient Memories to retrieve his sword. His assistant gave him the message as he walked into the club after lunch; she said a young woman called saying that his sword was ready – as requested – and he could go back and pick it up at his convenience.

Sammie looked up as the front door opened. She smiled as she saw the tall man walk towards the counter. “Good afternoon, Mr. Richardson. I guess you received my message then?” she asked as she walked to her office then walked back out with his sword in her arms.

He returned her smile, saying, “Yes, I did. I was actually quite surprised; I wasn’t expecting a call until tomorrow.”

“Well, VooDoo did promise two days. He doesn’t like to disappoint clients,” she said, laying the sword carefully down on the counter.

Kevin immediately took the sword from the scabbard, looking at the blade. “He is a very gifted man. You say his name is VooDoo? What is his given name?” he asked Sammie never taking his eyes off the blade.

“I honestly don’t know,” she laughed. “When Danny hired him, that’s the only name he gave.”

“That’s alright, it’s not important,” he said as he put the sword back, then put the belt around his hips. “I have a question, Ms. O’Mally; did you get my note the other day?”

“You mean the one on the back of this little card?” she asked holding up his business card. “Yes, I did. My roommate and I are planning on going.”

“Good. Give me your address and I will send a car to get the two of you, say around 9 p.m.?”

She studied him carefully for a moment, thinking about what she should say. He was good looking, sure, but should she trust this man enough to do as he asked? But then again, it would give her and Angel the freedom to drink and have a good time. She smiled at him then wrote her address down on a piece of paper. “9 sounds good. It’s been a while since I had an entire weekend to do what I really want. I can’t wait,” she said handing him the piece of paper.

“Good. Then I will see the two of you when you arrive tomorrow night, Ms. O’Mally.” He gave her a warm smile as he turned and walked out of the shop.