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Chapter 7

As Alex drove the black Expedition through the streets heading out of the city, Kevin thought about how he was going to explain everything.

“Before I begin, Sammie, do you believe in soulmates? Those spirits that belong one to the other and find each other time and again?”

“Yes, I do. My mother was a high priestess and raised me in the Old Religion. And even though I loved Mitch very much, I always knew he wasn’t my soulmate. Now what is going on?”

“Kevin, the girls need to know if they are going to be around us. I refuse to scare Angel anymore,” Alex said heatedly.

“Ok, ok; you’re right,” Kevin said as he ran his hand over his face and then through his hair. “Girls, I’m going to tell you something that puts you in danger, but it will help you understand us better.” He turned to Alex and asked, “Did you see them, Alex, or did you just sense them?”

“Both, actually. I sensed them first, then saw them.” He looked in the rearview mirror to see if anyone was behind them. He caught Kevin’s eye in the mirror and shook his head, letting him know they weren’t being followed.

“Sammie, I need your trust and understanding. What I’m about to tell you both is going to sound very unbelievable.”

“Try me, Kevin,” she said, touching his cheek. Even in the dim light of the passing street lights, he saw that her eyes had taken on a faraway look.

He raised his hand to hers, then on impulse, turned his head slightly, kissing her palm. He then began to explain who they truly were and why they all ran from the club.

“Alex and I are both immortals; the people Alex saw were after us. But they wouldn’t care if the two of you got in the way,” he began as he looked down at Sammie’s small hands in his.

“My name is Kevin Ravenwolf, Lord of Wolf Manor. I became an immortal crossbreed, if you want to call it that, at the age of 28 in the year 600. I had just returned from a hunt and found out that my young wife and daughter had died in childbirth. After the hurt and anger, I became calmer and left to go riding to clear my head. I was attacked by bandits and was killed during the fight. The only thing is, I came back. Alexander found me a few hours later; before I panicked, he explained what had happened and what I needed to do.”

“So, what do you mean by ‘cross-breed’?” Sammie asked.

“Before I was married, I had a mistress. It’s very hard to explain what exactly happened, though. The easiest way I can describe it is a blood exchange; she bit me and took very little blood from me, I took a small amount of hers as well. I didn’t know that she was a crossbreed, I just thought what she did was extremely erotic. She wasn’t a vampire or even a half vampire. But she had the same abilities as them, plus a few advantages, such as living life as a human and not craving blood. It isn’t necessary for us. The exchange helps in the fact that it takes less time to wake from the death,” Kevin explained.

Alex took up the story from there. “I became immortal in the early 400’s. I was killed during a Clan feud in Scotland. My teacher was killed about thirty years later. I am also a crossbreed.”

“So you’re telling us we should believe the ‘Highlander’ and ‘Blade’ movies?” Angel asked.

“Sorta. There are several differences though. One is that we have the ability, as mortals, to have children; we are not foundlings or adopted. The rest of that stuff is true, though; we only become immortals if we have a violent death, we cannot have children once immortal and the only way to kill us is to take our heads. But we aren’t out for a ‘prize’ like in the ‘Highlander’ movies, and once bitten by a vampire, you don’t become like them unless you take their blood as well,” Alex explained to Angel, then turned his attention back to Sammie. “The men that walked into the club tonight know who you are, Sammie. They followed Kevin when he went to your shop to have his sword repaired. I have one question for you: How long have you known VooDoo?”

“About two years, why?” she answered.

“What do you know about the man?”

“He’s a damn good restorer. He knows ancient weaponry almost as well as I do. He’s the best I know of in the state.”

“He’s like us, Sammie. He’s immortal. Still a child really, but immortal,” Alex explained. “Those men know who you and VooDoo are. They may have been only after me or Kevin tonight, but they may be after you, Sammie.”

“ME? I’m not immortal, I’m just a sword dealer.”

“Because of your gifts, child. And because of VooDoo,” Alex said.

“How do you know about my gifts?” she asked, as she looked at Angel. Angel was the only one that knew about her ‘gifts’; the ability to use natural magic and the gift of knowing everything about weaponry. Not only could she use the swords and other weapons, she knew how to make & repair them as well.

“Samantha, I made sure to know everything about you before Kevin even called your shop. We can’t take chances. VooDoo is one of the good guys, if you’re worried about that. We want to protect both of you,” Alex explained as he pulled into the tree-lined driveway of an old plantation home along the old River Road.

“Kevin, what about my son? Is he going to be safe?” she asked with tears in her eyes. “I couldn’t go on if I lost him!” she said as the tears fell from her eyes and she leaned against him.

Kevin wrapped his arms around her. “Nothing will happen to him, or either of you, that much I can promise you.”