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Chapter 8

The two men led the girls upstairs and got them settled into a couple of bedrooms.

“If you need anything, girls, just let us know. We will be close by if you need anything,” Alex said.

“We will, thank you, Alex,” Angel said as she kissed his cheek and then closed her bedroom door.

“Try to get some sleep, Sammie. We can talk more tomorrow about all this,” Kevin said quietly as he traced her jaw. He leaned down and brushed his lips gently against hers. “Good night, m’lady, sleep well.”

He then turned and walked downstairs with Alex.

As Kevin sat on the couch, he felt a presence. He looked up and saw that Alex felt it also. Both men drew their swords as Kevin walked to the front door. He opened it and brought his sword around only to have a tall young blonde man block the swing with his own sword.

“Careful, Kevin, it’s just me!” the young man said quickly.

“How many times have I told you to call before you arrive, Nickolas?” Kevin said leading the young man into the living room.

“What news do you have for us, child?” Alex asked, as he sat down again and began to polish his sword.

“The two men who came into the club left about twenty minutes later when they couldn’t find you; unfortunately for your two new ladies, they are gonna have to find another place to live. The men – and I’m using that term loosely – know where they live. They ransacked both their home and the shop,” Nickolas explained.

“What do you mean by ‘using that term loosely’? We know they are immortals,” Kevin asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t think like us. I’m pretty certain I saw fangs on these guys,” Nickolas said.

“You mean they were goddamned vamps?” Alex asked, angry.

“I think they may have been only half, Alex. But, yeah.”

“Then Samantha is in more danger than we first thought,” Kevin said quietly, looking up towards the second floor where the two girls slept.