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~~*Chapter 11*~~

‘Give me silver, blue & gold; the color of the sky I’m told; my rainbow is overdue.’

Alexis had no idea why she woke with that particular song in her head. It had been a favorite song of hers years ago, but she hadn’t heard it in a long time.

She turned her head to the right, looking at the clock beside the bed & noticed the picture frame on the table and smiled. The two pictures were taken on the last vacation that she had taken with her parents and sister before the accident. The first one was of her parents, the second one was her & her sister.

‘Now I know why that song is in my head. You put it there, Angie,’ she thought silently to her sister’s spirit. She smiled again, then got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

When she got out of the shower twenty minutes later, she heard thunder. ‘Great! Just what I need; a storm!’ she thought, darkly. She hated storms. She didn’t know why, she just had a deep fear of storms unless someone was with her.

Alexis walked downstairs in a pair of tight bike shorts & a black tank top and barefoot as usual. Her damp hair was pulled back in a tight braid and she walked purposefully towards the sun porch where she had set up her workout equipment.

She wasn’t surprised to see Howie, Tommy and Sully sparring good-naturedly and teasing Lynn about her punching like a girl.

“Of course I punch like a girl! I am a woman after all!” she laughed at her brother. “But I doubt you’d say the same about Lexi!” she challenged.

“Why am I NOT surprised that you would say that to these two?” Alexis said, trying to scowl at her friend.

“Ok, Lexi. You seem to have been coming in here for a purpose, but why don’t you show us how hard you can punch?” Tommy challenged, snickering.

“Uh, Tommy, you sure about that?” Lynn asked, a little concerned that her brother took her seriously.

“Are you gonna be my target?” Alexis asked, calling his bluff.

“Sure, why not?” he said, looking down at her.

“Ok, you asked for it,” she said, shrugging. She feinted a punch, then quickly swept his long legs out from under him, causing him to land heavily on the floormat. He started to laugh it off and sit up when he felt the unmistakable cold steel of a knife at his throat. “What do you think of that little trick?” she said, a faint glint of humor in her eyes.

“Very good trick,” he said quietly, swallowing carefully.

Sully clapped quietly and spoke just as quietly, “Very good, Baby Girl. I do believe you could hold your own, if it came down to it.”

“Which I’m very grateful isn’t very often,” she said as she stood back up, the knife disappearing once again. She reached down, offering her hand to Tommy. He took it with a smile and hauled himself up. “No hard feelings?” she asked.

“None at all!” Tommy laughed, hugging her. “But I’d like to know where the knife came from & where it went again?” he asked, staring at her tight clothes and bare feet.

“Not a chance. That’s my secret. But I’d like to start my workout now,” she laughed.